Action callback does not get executed, unless I call other module.

Issue #12 new
sakuragasaki46 created an issue

Recently I was trying out notify2 package, but actions added with add_action (i.e.

n.add_action('closed', 'Open', lambda x,''))

) did not get executed. However, when I later called playsound.playsound() (from playsound, another package), they got executed all at once (i.e. since I called and clicked several times, my web browser opened like 10 tabs, all at

I thought it was a problem with bus communication not being flushed. However, I still didn’t point out what’s the matter.

I have Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Python 3.8.5, and I installed notify2 from pip.

Comments (4)

  1. Thomas Kluyver repo owner

    This probably comes down to dbus-python, which notify2 uses to communicate with the notification server. It attempts to support the GTK & Qt event loops, but it’s kind of awkward, and it recommends using GTK & Qt’s own classes for D-Bus instead.

    For GTK, see:

    It doesn’t look like there’s an exact equivalent in Qt itself, though KDE frameworks have one:

    I’m no longer working on or using pynotify2. 😉

  2. Thomas Kluyver repo owner

    No, it definitely doesn’t mean that. GTK has Python wrappers - see the link I posted above. I know less about KDE, but there’s bound to be some way to use it in Python. And if you’re not using either of those frameworks, you can use a Python D-Bus binding to send notifications directly with a bit more effort - e.g. here’s an example using my library ‘Jeepney’:

    (That doesn’t show handling actions, which would unfortunately add a fair bit of complexity)

  3. Thomas Kluyver repo owner

    Oh, you may also want to look at the desktop_notify package, which is very similar to this one but has a release in 2020. 🙂

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