ADIF Export won't work

Issue #6 closed
Julius Daniels created an issue

I try to export database as an ADIF file and the program crashes every time. Rebooting phone doesn't help. It says the application Ham Radio Log ( has stopped working. try again....

The big reason I chose this program and the export doesn't work...

any thoughts?

Comments (12)

  1. Thomas Gerlach

    I am looking at the stack trace that was sent to Google for my app, and it appears that it's an issue with the date. Is the date field set for all of your log entries? The format should be MM/DD/YYYY - but ADIF format is YYYYMMDD. So, if the date isn't set right, it will crash when trying to convert from a standard date format to the format required by ADIF.

    If that's not it, I will add some additional logging to the app so that I can resolve your issue quickly.

  2. Julius Daniels reporter

    Thanks for responding so fast. The date is set automatically when I add a new record. I would have to erase the auto-inserted date each time. hard to do on the road or in the field. I tried to run it on my nexus 7 tablet too, and it doesn't crash, but it doesn't write any adif files to the download folder either. BTW the auto-date format you use is international. ie DD/MM/YYYY. We hams prefer that too. I also use the UTC option for time of day.

    Regards, Julius

  3. Thomas Gerlach

    What about the time? Is it set as HH:MM in your log entries? I am rebuilding the app today with some additional error checking so this problem will be resolved soon.

  4. Julius Daniels reporter

    the time is set to the optional UTC time instead of local time. I don't imagine any ham would use local time. We always keep our logs in UTC. Hope this helps.

  5. Julius Daniels reporter

    I downloaded the newly compiled release today 11/10. I doesn't crash now when I try to export to ADIF, but I can't find the export file in the download folder. I can't figure out if it is my system or some delay in file creation on the android phone. I am only using a 3 record sample file to experiment with. So I am still not getting any downloadable file to use. ugh.

  6. Thomas Gerlach

    When it finishes, it should have a message that says "Successfully exported X records, X errors". How many errors does it say there are? (If there aren't any errors, that part of the message won't be displayed - just "Successfully exported X records")

  7. Julius Daniels reporter

    If I connect my tablet to the USB interface and use windows file manager to browse the tablet, I see the files in the android \download folder. I just can't see them when I launch the native android "Downloads" applet. Does the applet filter extensions? anyway. If I want to import my adif files that I create with the tablet and your app I may do so now at least on my nexus 7. Still not working on my android phone, but the \download folder exists on micro SD memory. I haven't figured out why either. Maybe your app maps only to internal device memory?

  8. Thomas Gerlach

    I have never tried to locate the file using the Downloads program. I will see if I can force the Android OS to refresh the folder and include the newly created file.

  9. Julius Daniels reporter

    What is also strange to me is that files I exported will suddenly appear, then will disappear when I go back to test access again. I've experienced this phenom. on both android phone and nexus 7 tablet. I checked out other similar programs on google play. I noticed a comment from a user of "QSO Secretary" and he said that he could not export the adif file either. Curious...are you using .ADI or .ADIF format? Just thinking...

  10. Julius Daniels reporter

    Good morning Thomas! The spec you pointed to looks like the one we HAMS use! I am getting the feeling that it may be in the file creation and or folder refresh that takes place when data is exported. Remember....I think I mentioned that I could see the created export files ....sometimes many of them when I frustratingly kept hitting export :). The file pointers or whatever they are called now a days were not persistent...In other words now I see it now I don't. It must be something in the export process.

    Happy Thanksgiving BTW. Julius

  11. Thomas Gerlach

    Nothing further to do. Works on various Nexus devices and Samsung. Could be a problem with the users specific device, or the the version of Android on the device. Will readdress if/when I can recreate the issue.

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