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CGAL Python Bindings / Home

User Guide

This repository contains Python binding for CGAL components (written in C++). It also contains examples, tests, and benchmarks.

Let's say that you would like to generate bindings for the 2D/3D Kernel and 2D Arrangements packages of CGAL, and in particular for the following:

  • Kernel, and
  • CGAL::Arrangement<GeometryTraits, Dcel>


  • Kernel is CGAL::Exact_predicate_exact_construction_kernel,
  • GeometryTraits is CGAL::Arr_segment_traits_2<Kernel>, and
  • Dcel is the default DCEL.

If you install CGAL from sources, don't forget to set the environment variable CGAL_DIR to point at the CGAL build directory. Let the environment variable CGALPY_SRC_DIR point at the root of the local clone. Create a build directory and go there. Assuming you have all dependencies installed, type:

cmake -C <CGALPY_SRC_DIR>/cmake/tests/release/aos2_epec_fixed_release.cmake <CGALPY_SRC_DIR>
make -j4
pip install src/libs/cgalpy/dist/CGALPY-1.0.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

Then, you should be able to execute the program <CGALPY_SRC_DIR>/src/python_scripts/cgalpy_examples/, where <CGALPY_SRC_DIR> is the root of your clone..

The cmake script <CGALPY_SRC_DIR>/cmake/tests/release/aos2_epec_fixed_release.cmake sets the flags that are needed for the generation of bindings used in the Python script <CGALPY_SRC_DIR>/src/python_scripts/cgalpy_examples/ Additional python programs that exploit the bindings reside under <CGALPY_SRC_DIR>/src/python_scripts. Naturally, different bindings are needed for different Python scripts.


  1. The name of the generated whl file is platform dependant.
  2. If you are operating in a conda virtual environment on Window, set the environment variable CONDA_DLL_SEARCH_MODIFICATION_ENABLE to 1 apriori.
  3. If you are not operating in a virtual environment, consider installing as user:

    pip install --user src/libs/cgalpy/dist/CGALPY-1.0.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
  4. If you repeat the installation, don't forget to force overidding the new bindings:

    pip install --user --force-reinstall src/libs/cgalpy/dist/CGALPY-1.0.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

Additional Targets

At some point you will need bindings for additional instances (I assume); see Section CGAL Bindings for the relevant instructions.

If you are a developer and would like to build the cpp documentation, type:


If you would like to build the Python documentation, type:


The Python html manual pages are generated under src/libs/cgalpy/CGALPY/build/html/. The pdf single file is generated under src/libs/cgalpy/CGALPY/build/latex/.

Observe that the CGALPY prefix in the target of the above make is the binding library based name; this name can be different then CGALPY, and depends on your selections; see Section CGAL Bindings.

If you would like to build the documentation for both, type:

make doc


Naturally, you need to install Python and CGAL before attempting to use the bindings.

Python & Pip

We use Python 3.8 or a higher version.


If Python 3.8 is the default version for your Ubuntu distribution, proceed to install Python via the standard apt installation procedure. Otherwise, jump to install Python from a PPA.

Install Python via apt-get

Install Pip once via a dedicated procedure and then upgrade via Pip. Install Python modules via Pip.

# Install Python 3
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install -y python3 python3-dev
# Verify
> python --version
# Set up your system to build binary Python packages
# Install Pip
> curl -LO
> python --user
# Upgrade (not really necessary---already up-to-date)
> pip install -U pip --user
# Verify
> pip --version
> which pip
# Install popular Python packages
> pip install --user numpy
> pip install --user pipenv
> pip install --user pytest
> pip install --user pybind11
> pip install --user build
> pip install --user sphinx
> pip install --user sphinx_rtd_theme
Install Python 3.8 via PPA
> add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install -y python3.8 python3.8-dev
> curl -LO
> python3.8
> pip3.8 install -U pip
> pip3.8 install --user numpy
> pip3.8 install --user pipenv
> pip3.8 install --user pytest
> pip3.8 install --user pybind11
> pip3.8 install --user build
> pip3.8 install --user sphinx
> pip3.8 install --user sphinx_rtd_theme


Boost is a dependency of CGAL. When you install CGAL, it is recommended installing all Boost components.


Python bindings requires Boost version 1.73 or higher. If Boost 1.73 or higher is the default version of you Ubuntu distribution, proceed to install Boost via the standard apt-get installation procedure. Otherwise, jump to install Boost from sources.

Install Boost via apt
> sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
Install Boost From Sources

The following installs version 1.79 to /usr/local. While only the Boost libraries bellow are required, it is recommended that you install all.

# Install Boost
> mkdir -p ~/tmp/src/boost
> cd ~/tmp/src
> curl -SL boost_1_79_0.tar.gz | tar -xzC boost
> cd ~/tmp/src/boost/boost_1_79_0
> ./
> ./b2 --with=all cxxstd=17 -j4
# Install to /usr/local
> sudo ./b2 install
# Clean
> rm -rf ~/tmp/src/boost


nanobind is a header-only product.

The nanobind_DIR environment variable is used by the CMakeLists.txt file to build the bindings.

# Obtain the pybind11 sources
> git submodule update --init
# Set the nanobind_DIR  environment variable to point at the header directory
> export nanobind_DIR <nanobind-root-directory>/include


cmake is used to build CGAL and applications that depends on CGAL. The minimun required version is 3.7.


If cmake 3.7 or higher is the default version of you Ubuntu distribution, proceed to install cmake via the standard apt-get installation procedure. Otherwise, jump to install cmake from sources.

Install cmake via apt
# RUN 
> sudo apt install -y cmake
Install cmake from sources
> mkdir -p ~/tmp/src/cmake
> cd ~/tmp/src
# Download
> curl -SL | tar -xzC cmake
> cd ~/tmp/src/cmake/cmake/cmake-3.13.2
# Build
> ./configure
> make install
# Clean
> rm -rf ~/tmp/src/cmake



By default the cpp documentation is generated by doxygen, which in turn optionally depends on dot provided by graphviz. The documentation is generated as html pages and as a single pdf file from latex sources.

> sudo apt install graphviz doxygen



To install Tex Live LaTeX distribution use the following command.

> sudo apt install texlive-full  

CGAL Bindings

The CGAL library is huge. It consists of many function and class templates. It follows the generic programming paradigm, which implies that many decisions the programmer has to take are resolved during compile time. Bindings occur at run time, and the C++ objects that are bound, must be known ahead. Specifically, they must be instances (instantiated types) of C++ function and class templates. This makes the set of potential objects to bind enormous. Our objective is to enable bindings, of a great portion of this set, concurrently in a convenient way. With our system it is possible to generate, for example, a single library that contains bindings for an instance of the 2D arrangement class template and an instance of the 2D triangulation class template. If several instances of the same template must be bound, several corresponding libraries must be generated. By default, the name of the generated library is However, the user can override the name with a string that maps to the set of bound instances. This is useful when more then one instance of the same template must be bound. Each execution of cmake followed by make generates a single library.

The CGAL library consists of several packages. We use the same partition and refer to each package as a module. Each module has a long (and meaningful) name and a short name; see the list of modules supported so far below. Each module is associated with a cmake Boolean flag that determines whether to generate bindings for that particular module. Each module may be associated with zero or more additional flags that indicate selections for bindings within the module. For example, the long name of the 2D Arrangement module is ARRANGEMENT_2; its short name is AOS2; the Boolean flag that indicates whether to generate bindings for this module is CGALPY_ARRANGEMENT_2_BINDINGS. This module is associated with the Boolean flag CGALPY_AOS2_POINT_LOCATION_BINDINGSthat indicates whether to generate bindings for point location of 2D Arrangements package. This module has also a string flagCGALPY_AOS2_GEOMETRY_TRAITS_NAMEthat indicates the geometry traits used to instantiate theArrangement_2<>` class template.

The Python attribute name of a bound entity of every module are gathered in a distinct Python scope to prevent name conflicts. The name of the scope is the short name of the module in lower-case except for the first letter (which is in upper-case); for example, the scope names of the bound types and free functions of the 2D Arrangement and the 3D Triangulation packages are Aos2 and Tri3, respectively. Each of these two scopes, for example, have the attribute Vertex_handle (i.e., Aos2.Vertex and Tri3.Vertex).

As mentioned above, the cmake flag CGALPY_FIXED_LIBRARY_NAME determines whether the name of the generated library is or not. If not, it has the suffix CGALPY_ followed by as many as substrings as modules, the bindings of which are enabled, separated by an underscore (_). Each such substring starts with the short name of the module in lower case followed by strings that maps to the selections for bindings within the module. Each such string is a single word that starts with a capital letter. For example, the name CGALPY_kernelEpecInt_Aos2SegPlainPl of a generated library, names a library that contains bindings for (i) the Exact-Predicate-Exact-Construction (EPEC) kernel module and intersections, and (ii) the 2D Arrangement module, where the Arrangement_2<> class template is instantiated with a traits class that handles segments and a plain DCEL, and point location queries.

Module Name Short Name
2D and 3D Kernel KERNEL KER
dD Geometry Kernel KERNEL_D KERD
2D Arrangements on Surfaces ARRANGEMENT_2 AOS2
2D Alpha shapes ALPHA_SHAPE_2 AS2
3D Alpha shapes ALPHA_SHAPE_3 AS3
2D Regularized Boolean operations BOOLEAN_SET_OPERATIONS_2 BSO2
2D Convex hulls CONVEX_HULL_2 CH2
3D Convex hulls CONVEX_HULL_3 CH3
2D Polygons POLYGON_2 POL2
Polygon partitioning POLYGON_PARTITIONING PP
2D Minkowski sums MINKOWSKI_SUM_2 MS2
Spatial searching SPATIAL_SEARCHING SS
2D Triangulations TRIANGULATION_2 TRI2
3D Triangulations TRIANGULATION_3 TRI3
Surface mesh SURFACE_MESH SM
3D Polyhedral Surfaces POLYHEDRON_3 POL3

The generated library is dynamically linked—it must be so. However, the library itself can be compiled of either static or dynamic (dependent) libraries. If you intend to generate and use just a single library that contains the bindings, you have the freedom to choose between generating a library compiled of static libraries or dynamic libraries. However, if you intend to generate and use several libraries in a single Python module, it is recommended that you use libraries compiled of dynamic libraries. (Otherwise, different generated libraries might be compiled of conflicting static libraries.) The cmake flag CGALPY_USE_SHARED_LIBS indicates whether the generated library is compiled of static or dynamic libraries; it is true by default.

The content of the library and its name are governed by flags provided to cmake. The number of flags is already large, and it is expected to grow in the future. All flags have the prefix CGALPY_. In the following tables this prefix is omitted.

General arguments

Name Type Default Description
USE_SHARED_LIBS Boolean true Determines whether to compile shared libraries
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Boolean true Determines whether to generate shared libraries
FIXED_LIBRARY_NAME Boolean true Determines whether the library name is fixed '' or set based on other selections

Binding selection

Name Type Default Description
KERNEL_BINDINGS Boolean true Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D and 3D Kernel types
KERNEL_D_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for dD Kernel types
ARRANGEMENT_2_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D arrangement instances
ALPHA_SHAPE_2_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D Alpha shape instances
ALPHA_SHAPE_3_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 3D Alpha shape instances
BOOLEAN_SET_OPERATIONS_2_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D Boolean set operation instances
BOUNDING_VOLUMES_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for bounding volume instances
CONVEX_HULL_2_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D convex hull instances
CONVEX_HULL_3_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 3D convex hull instances
POLYGON_2_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D polygon instances
POLYGON_PARTITIONING_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D polygon partitioning instances
MINKOWSKI_SUM_2_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D Minkowski sum instances
SPATIAL_SEARCHING_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for spatial searching instances
TRIANGULATION_2_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 2D triangulation instances
TRIANGULATION_3_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for 3D triangulation instances
SURFACE_MESH_BINDINGS Boolean false Determines whether to generate bindings for surface mesh instances

| POLYHEDRON_3_BINDINGS | Boolean | false | Determines whether to generate bindings for 3D polyhedral surfaces instances| | POLYGON_MESH_PROCESSING_BINDINGS | Boolean | false | Determines whether to generate bindings for polygon mesh procesing instances|

Kernel module flags

Name Type Default Description
KERNEL_NAME String epic The kernel used, e.g., epic, epec, or epecws
KERNEL_INTERSECTION_BINDINGS Boolean true Determines whether to generate bindings for intersections

Kernel name options

KERNEL_NAME Predefined Type
epic Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel
epec Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel
epecws Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_sqrt
filteredSimpleCartesianDouble NT = double
filteredSimpleCartesianLazyGmpq NT = Lazy_exact_nt<Gmpq>

dD Geometry Kernel module flags

Name Type Default Description
KERNEL_D_NAME String epicd The kernel type used
KERNEL_D_DIMENSION_TAG String dynamic Determines whether the dimension is dynamic
KERNEL_D_DIMENSION Integer 2 The dimension of the ambient Euclidean space

d-dimensional Kernel name options

KERNEL_D_NAME Predefined Type
epicd Epick_d<DimensionTag>
epecd Epeck_d<DimensionTag>
cartesiandDouble Cartesian_d<double>
cartesiandLazyGmpq Cartesian_d<Lazy_exact_nt<Gmpq>>

d-dimensional Kernel dimension tag options

static Dimension_tag<d>
dynamic Dynamic_dimension_tag

2D Arrangement module flags

Name Type Default Description
AOS2_GEOMETRY_TRAITS_NAME String segment The geometry traits of a 2D arrangement. Options are: linear, segment, nonCachingSegment, conic, algebraic, or circleSegment
AOS2_EXTEND_VERTEX Boolean false Determines whether to extend the vertex type
AOS2_EXTEND_HALFEDGE Boolean false Determines whether to extend the halfedge type
AOS2_EXTEND_FACE Boolean false Determines whether to extend the face type
AOS2_POINT_LOCATION_BINDINGS Boolean true Determines whether to generate bindings for point location and vertical ray shoot queries

2D arrangement geometry traits options

nonCachingSegment Arr_non_caching_segment_basic_traits_2<Kernel>
segment Arr_segment_traits_2<Kernel>
linear Arr_linear_traits_2<Kernel>
conic Arr_conic_traits_2<RatKernel , AlgKernel , NtTraits>
circleSegment Arr_circle_segment_traits_2<Kernel>
algebraic Arr_algebraic_segment_traits_2<Coefficient>

2D Triangulations module flags

Name Type Default Description
TRI2_NAME String plain The 2D triangulation type
TRI2_VERTEX_WITH_INFO Boolean false Determines whether the vertex type is extended
TRI2_FACE_WITH_INFO Boolean false Determines whether the face type is extended
TRI2_INTERSECTION_TAG_NAME String ncirc The intersection tag
TRI2_HIERARCHY Boolean false Determines whether to generate the binding for
a hierarchy triangulation

2D triangulation name options

plain Triangulation_2<Traits , Tds>
regular Regular_triangulation_2<Traits , Tds>
delaunay Delaunay_triangulation_2<Traits , Tds>
constrained Constrained_triangulation_2<Traits , Tds , Itag>
constrainedDelaunay Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2<Traits , Tds , Itag>
periodicPlain Periodic_2_triangulation_2<Traits , Tds>
periodicDelaunay Periodic_2_Delaunay_triangulation_2<Traits , Tds>

2D Alpha Shapes module flags

Name Type Default Description
AS2_EXACT_COMPARISON Boolean false Determines whether to apply exact comparisons

3D Triangulation module flags

Name Type Default Description
TRI3_NAME String regular The 3D triangulation type; options are: plain, regular, delaunay, or periodic3Delaunay
TRI3_CONCURRENCY_NAME String sequential The concurrency method, either sequential or parallel
TRI3_LOCATION_POLICY_NAME String compact The location policy, either fast or compact
TRI3_HIERARCHY Boolean false Determines whether to generate the binding for a hierarchy triangulation

3D triangulation name options

plain Triangulation_3<Traits , Tds , Slds>
regular Regular_triangulation_3<Traits , Tds , Slds>
delaunay Delaunay_triangulation_3<Traits , Tds , LocationPolicy , Slds>
periodicPlain Periodic_3_triangulation_3<Traits , Tds>
periodicRegular Periodic_3_regular_triangulation_3<Traits , Tds>
periodicDelaunay Periodic_3_Delaunay_triangulation_3<Traits , Tds>

3D triangulation concurrency options

sequential Sequential_tag
parallel Parallel_tag

3D triangulation location policy options

fast Fast_location
compact Compact_location

3D Alpha Shape module flags

Name Type Default Description
AS3_NAME String plain The 3D Alpha shape type, either plain or fixed
AS3_EXACT_COMPARISON Boolean false Determines whether to apply exact comparisons

3D Alpha Shapes types

plain Alpha_shape_3<>
fixed Fixed_alpha_shape_3<>

Spatial Searching Arguments

Name Type Default Description
SPATIAL_SEARCHING_DIMENSION Integer 2 The dimension of spatial searching related classes


We have compared three different products to create Python bindings, namely:

  1. Boost.Python
  2. Pybind11
  3. Swig

We have concluded that Boost.Python has an advantage over its rivals. Swig uses a proprietary dedicated language to describe the bindings. It supports bindings to many scripting languages. However, this profusion is not an advantage for us, as we are only interested in Python. Pybind11 and Boost Python use C++ generic programming to describe the bindings. They have the same interface. While Pybind11 exploits more generic-programming features, it is less efficient space- and time- wise. Pybind11 is headers only, and does not depend on anything, while Boost Python depends on, well, Boost. However, CGAL already depends on Boost; thus, this dependency cannot be lifted anyway.

