Zoom level and position is lost on orientation change

Issue #1 resolved
Tobias Preuss repo owner created an issue

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start the application showing the map view
  2. Select a new or the same city from the list
  3. Pan and zoom somewhere
  4. Change to landscape


  • Map view should show the same area as before


  • Map view is resetted to show the bounding box of the zone

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Vasil

    Restore map state after orientation change

    Do not send the city change flag with the intent. When the orientation of the map changes, the map object gets recreated and the last intent is used again. In our case we received an city change flag even when we only changed the map orientation.

    Fixes #1

    → <<cset 85ea07456215>>

  2. Peter Vasil

    Restore map state after orientation change

    Do not send the city change flag with the intent. When the orientation of the map changes, the map object gets recreated and the last intent is used again. In our case we received an city change flag even when we only changed the map orientation.

    Fixes #1

    → <<cset 5bfd46175af2>>

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