Plugin Not Fetching Data

Issue #114 closed
Dylan created an issue

Hello. My plugin was not getting stock information. I then got the API token, which fixed it for a day. It has now gone back to not working. How do I prevent this from happening?

Comments (7)

  1. Trent Christofferson repo owner

    Be wary of how many stock signs you have. I believe they update every minute which could lead you to run out of requests. I will probably make an update that makes the signs update every 15 minutes. This is probably the reason people are running out of requests.

  2. Trent Christofferson repo owner

    You would either have to register for another API key or wait until the beginning of next month.

  3. Dylan reporter

    I see now you added that to the update, thank you. I got a new token and updated the plugin, but it is all still broken for me.

  4. Trent Christofferson repo owner

    You can visit to view how many requests you used. How many stock signs do you have? Each sign will count as a request per the time interval you set in the config. You could always try upping the stock sign update interval to an hour. You get 500,000 free API credits from IEX Trading.

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