Add removing to buying stocks and adading back to selling stocks.

Issue #39 resolved
jordan devuyst created an issue

When you’re buying stocks you can add 1000, 100, 50, 10 or 1 share to the number of shares you want to but of that stock and oposite for selling stocks, it starts at the number of shares you have, and if you don’t want to sell all shares you can remove some of the shares from what you’re going to sell so you can keep some in your portfolio.

Players should also be able to when buying shares for example, if you added too many shares by accident, remove some of the shares from the amount they’d like to but, and when you are selling shares you should be able to add some shares back to the amount of you want to sell if you decide you want to sell more or all of them. As of right now if you want to add more you have to cancel the purchase or sale and go back to redo it.

Comments (3)

  1. Trent Christofferson repo owner

    I agree with you, I would also like to add this. If there are no bugs that pop up soon I will work on this.

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