MySQL connection error

Issue #77 closed
Former user created an issue

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Comments (3)

  1. Никита Чуйко - Беспалов

    My config:

    # Won't translate everything
    # Accepted codes: bg, cs, de, en, es, fr, hu, ja, nb, nn, pl, pt, ru, sv, tr
    preferred-language: en
    #Set to false to disable auto-save. Only applies to flat file, MySQL saves when a player quits
    auto-save: false
    #How often to save in seconds, 900 = 15 minutes
    auto-save-interval: 900
    #How many player portfolios to keep in cache once they log off the server.
    #Reduces the number of calls to fetch from database and is faster.
    cache-max-size: 10
    #If you want to transfer from mysql to yml make sure use-mysql is set to false
    #If you want to transfer from yml to mysql make sure use-mysql is set to true
    #If you want to transfer player saves from mysql to yml or yml to mysql, set to true
    transfer-saves: false
    #Set this to true if you have a MySQL Database you'd like to use for saving players
    use-mysql: true
      #Don't confuse this with you Minecraft server ip
      host: localhost
      #This is the default port for MySQL, if your port is different change it here
      port: 3306
      #This is the name of your database/schema
      database: stock
      #This is the database account username
      user: root
      #This is the database account password
      pass: Love_TTs34543465
    #These stocks will displayed when players type /stocks popular
    #You can add and remove stocks as you please
    #WARNING: Do not make the slot bigger than 54 or it won't be added, also don't use slot 50 this is where the close button is
        slot: 16
        slot: 10
        slot: 12
        slot: 14
        slot: 18
    #Trading settings
      #The max amount of money allowed in a transaction (buying and selling)
      #Default = 1 billion
      max-trade-value: 1000000.0
      #Set to true if you don't want players to be able to trade when the stock market is closed in real life
      disable-trading-when-closed: false
      #Set to true if you don't want players to be able to trade on the weekend
      #To disable weekend trading this must be true along with disable-trading-when-closed
      disable-trading-on-weekends: false
      #Cooldown is how long players have to wait to sell shares after they bought them
      cooldown-enabled: true
      #Cooldown in minutes, stock prices refresh every 15 minutes
      cooldown: 15
      #Set to true to enabled taxes, only taxes players when they sell shares
      tax-enabled: true
      #Percentage, 0.05 = 5%, 0.1 = 10%
      tax: 0.06
      #This is to adjust stock prices to fit your server's economy
      #1.0 = original price, 0.5 = half priced, 2.0 = double the original
      stock-price-multiplier: 1.0
      #If whitelist-enabled is true the blacklist will be ignored
      #Only allow players to buy certain stocks
      whitelist-enabled: false
      #Prevent players from buying certain stocks
      blacklist-enabled: false
      #List of stocks that players are only allowed to buy, whitelist-enabled must be set to true
      whitelist: []
      #List of stocks to prevent players from buying, blacklist-enabled must be set to true
      blacklist: []
      #Some symbols won't display correctly. You can leave this blank ('$' to '') if need be.
      money-symbol: '&5&a'
      #Prefixes apply to all messages unless stated otherwise
      #Change to false if you don't want to use red/yellow/green prefixes
      #you can include your own prefixes in each message, just be sure to set this to false or it will have two prefixes
      enable-prefixes: true
      positive-prefix: '&a&l(!)&7'
      notice-prefix: '&e&l(!)&7'
      negative-prefix: '&c&l(!)&7'
      incorrect-divisor: The divisor must be above 0!
      incorrect-shares: Shares must be greater than 0!
      error-retrieving-stock: 'Error retrieving %symbol%: %error%!'
      not-enough-money: You do not have %money%
      bought-shares: Successfully bought %shares% share(s) of %symbol% for %money%!
      sold-shares: Successfully sold %shares% share(s) of %symbol% for %money%!
      sold-all: Sold %stocks% stock(s) for %money%!
      gave-shares: Successfully gave %player% %shares% share(s) of %symbol%!
      # Doesn't use default prefixes
      shares-given: '&a&l[&7Stocks&a&l]&7%shares% share(s) of %symbol% have been added to your portfolio!'
      took-shares: Successfully took %shares% share(s) of %symbol% from %player%!
      # Doesn't use default prefixes
      shares-taken: '&c&l[&7Stocks&c&l]&7%shares% share(s) of %symbol% have been taken from your portfolio!'
      # When an admin manually splits a stock
      stock-split: Successfully split %symbol% by %divisor%!
      # Doesn't use default prefixes
      update-available: '&e&l[&7Stocks&e&l]&7There is an update available!'
      check: '%symbol% is worth %money% per share!'
      not-enough-shares: You do not own %shares% share(s) of %symbol%!
      # When a player executes /Stocks take but the player specified doesn't have enough shares
      taker-not-enough-shares: '%player% does not have %shares% share(s) of %symbol%!'
      no-stocks: Your portfolio is empty!
      shares-changed: Your portfolio changed while trying to sell all shares!
      stockbrokers-disabled: 'Stockbrokers is disabled: Citizens plugin not found or disabled'
      stock-market-closed: The stock market is closed!
      stock-not-allowed: That stock is not whitelisted or is blacklisted!
      player-not-found: Player not found!
      max-trade-value-exceeded: You cannot make a trade involving more than %money%!
      # The max number of shares is the Java max integer value
      max-shares-exceeded: The max number of shares is %shares%!
      opening-sell-menu: Opening sell menu . . .
      # When a player tries to interact with stocks before their profile has loaded
      profile-not-loaded: Your profile has not been loaded yet!
      # Doesn't use default prefixes
      loaded-profile: '&a&l[&7Stocks&a&l]&7Stock profile loaded!'
      # Doesn't use default prefixes
      error-loading-profile: '&c&l[&7Stocks&c&l]&7There was an error retrieving your stock profile! If this persists
      contact staff.'
      # Message when a player tries to sell all, but all their stocks have cooldowns
      all-stocks-have-cooldown: All of your stocks have cooldowns!
      cooldown: 'You must wait: %cooldown% to sell %symbol%!'
      #If days was set to T, cooldown would be like so: 0T0h0m0s instead of 0d0h0m0s
      #Only one character allowed
        days: d
        hours: h
        minutes: m
        seconds: s
    #This section is for translating the text to a different language
    #None of the below can have the same values, do not include color codes
      company-name: Company Name
      price: Price
      shares: Shares
      invested: Invested
      profit: Profit
      value: Value
      open-price: Open Price
      close-price: Close Price
      high-price: High Price
      low-price: Low Price
      high-52: 52 Week High
      low-52: 52 Week Low
      stockbroker: Stockbroker
      stockbroker-buy: Buy Stocks
      stockbroker-portfolio: View Portfolio
      stockbroker-popular: View Popular
      close-button: Close
      confirm-button: Confirm
      cancel-button: Cancel
      next-page-button: Next Page -->
      previous-page-button: <-- Previous Page
      subtract-shares-button: Subtract %shares% shares
      add-shares-button: Add %shares% share(s)
      #Will be displayed as [player] - Portfolio
      portfolio: Portfolio
      popular-inventory-title: Popular Stocks
      sell-menu-title: Sell Menu
      buy-menu-title: Buy Menu
      #Used in buy and sell menus
      price-estimate: Price estimate

  2. Trent Christofferson repo owner

    If you didn't fix the issue yet drop/delete the 'last_purchase' column form the stocks_playersaves table.

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