Add a Find Places command

Issue #27 wontfix
Bruce Schubert created an issue


Add a Find Places command to the Home tab

Use Case

  1. User clicks Find|Places button
  2. System displays Place Finder dialog
  3. User enters query criteria
  4. System queries and displays results from service provided by PlaceFinderService provider
  5. User selects result
  6. Globe goes to the selected position


  • There may be more than one PlaceFinderService provider in the system


  • Should this be a Terramenta module or a plugin?
  • Related commands include Find|Coordinates (e.g., Lat/Lon, MGRS, UTM, etc.)

Comments (6)

  1. Chris Heidt

    We use to have this before we moved to the ribbon interface. A basic implementation of 'goto coordinates' should be provided by the globe. More advanced implementations utilizing 3rd party services can be provided by other modules.

  2. Bruce Schubert reporter

    I have a Yahoo place finder implementation. Would you like me to added to Terramenta? If not, I'll add it to WMT.

  3. Chris Heidt

    Keep it separate for now. We could provide it as a separate Terramenta Plugin but, as a general principal, I'd like to keep the baseline Terramenta modules agnostic to 3rd party services. Especially since it gets a lot of use in closed environments.

  4. Travis Rennemann

    This brings up a good point that a "good" Terramenta installer will let us create distributions that include a core set of plugins, like Place Finder.

  5. Chris Heidt

    I know this is closed but i wanted to add for future reference that the old implementation of this is at ...globe.navigation.NavigationToolbar and was designed for the old toolbar view. I'll probably create a task to revamp this as a Ribbon Band.

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