Ribbon Tooltips do not display for item in the VIEW->Tasks ribbon band.

Issue #37 resolved
Chris Heidt created an issue

Even when a window has registered a RibbonActionReference it fails to display tooltip information if displayed in the catch-all "Tasks" band.

Comments (10)

  1. Chris Heidt reporter


            path = "Menu/Window/" or "Menu/Window/AnyNonExistingBandName",

    Actually what I think would be very nice would be a way to dynamically derive Tabs and Bands from the path without them being pre-defined.

    e.g., Ribbon/TabName/BandName would create a Tab named TabName and a Band under it named BandName if one/either are not already present.

    but this would be a separate task.

  2. Bruce Schubert

    That is how its supposed to work: "AnyNonExistingBandName" should have a band created with that folder name. The same is true of the Tabs.

    The predefined tabs and bands provide for positioning and localization, as well as a "standard" within the baseline application. However, Plugins should feel free to exploit the built-in dynamic nature of the Tabs and Bands if it makes sense to do so.

    Note: Its only the root menu items (those not assigned to a band, e.g., Menu/Window/some-action) that are assigned to the "Tasks" band. This behavior accommodates actions that are not "ribbon-aware"

  3. Chris Heidt reporter

    Interesting, i don't see this behavior. "Menu/Window/AnyNonExistingBandName" is just throwing the item into the Task band. I'm gonna play with it a bit more.

  4. Bruce Schubert

    Chris, do you have an example for this issue? If so, can you please post an excerpt from the layer.xml or generated-layer.xml?

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