MILESTONE: 1.3.1 Release - April 30th 2014

Issue #38 resolved
Chris Heidt created an issue

Solidifying the ribbon work should be the main focus for this release.

As part of this release Id like to resolve all red issues (Priority: major, critical, blocker) created prior to April 1st, 2014.

Comments (22)

  1. Travis Rennemann

    Sounds perfect. I have a few icon updates that I'll post for comment--we can include them in the release.

  2. Travis Rennemann

    I'd like to provide updated installers. Should we provide installers as a separate project in the same way we have separate repos for Terramenta plugins? Having installers in our Downloads area seems like poor design for the long run.

  3. Chris Heidt reporter

    A sample installer for the base modules would be a good addition. The real power of the installers comes in the ability to cleanly package 3rd party modules/bundles into a single distribution, which is just beyond the realm of bare-bones Terramenta.

  4. Travis Rennemann

    I'm focused on the basic Terramenta installer as a binary distribution to let anyone download and try Terramenta before digging through source code. Just trying to make it easy for the general user to love the app as much as we do! :-D

  5. Chris Heidt reporter

    I say we should include the installer scripts in the src "distributions/terramenta-installer"? and then start providing the install packages as well as the zip at each release. Can a single installer script build packages for win/lin/mac?

  6. Chris Heidt reporter

    Well, this deadline just didn't make it. It's been a very busy couple of weeks. I'm hoping to continue issue resolution this week. Will reset deadline to end of the month (April 30th)

  7. Bruce Schubert

    Chris, Travis: I'll be busy between now and the milestone deadline. Let me know if there's anything I help on when I have windows of opportunity.

  8. Bruce Schubert

    Question: what will Terramenta use for an installer. I've been using IZPack, but I'd like to consider alternatives. Having an uninstaller is a requirement.

  9. Travis Rennemann

    Bruce, thank you for letting us know about your availability. Looks like Chris is about ready to put a bow on this version, so we shouldn't need anything else for now. Regarding installers, I used the Netbeans Platform Installer configured with POM option as described here. I successfully used the Windows and Linux installers; the MacOS installer did its job, but Terramenta didn't run because of JOGL issues. At the end of the day, the installer provides an uninstall option that Windows can see: installed-terramenta.JPG

  10. Bruce Schubert

    Hey Guys, note I'm working a Ribbon issue in WMT that's related to the DatetimeBand and its siblings. They sometimes throws exceptions during initialization in WMT. For more info, please see:

    By sometimes, I think its related to order of initialization of modules. Altering the dependencies can make this symptom appear/disappear.

    I'm working the problem.

  11. Chris Heidt reporter

    1 hour notice

    All issues slated for Milestone 1.3.1 have been resolved; Version 1.3.1 will be released shortly (9pm EST). Last call for any outstanding change sets!!!

  12. Travis Rennemann

    Uploaded Terramenta installers for all three platforms (Windows, MacOSX, and Linux). I added a nbactions.xml file sibling to terramenta-application module's POM file. Here's what nbactions.xml file looks like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <Env.JAVA_HOME>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51</Env.JAVA_HOME>

    Just run the custom goal and you're good to go. Oh yea, I tweaked a couple icons based on Geertjan's suggestion.

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