Additional Icons for Terrramenta based applications.

Issue #46 resolved
Bruce Schubert created an issue

Here are some additional icons that could be used in Terramenta-based applications.

General Purpose:

  • Save Scene/View: saves the current globe state
  • Restore Scene/View: restores the globe from a previously saved state
  • Goto <marker/pushpin>: centers the globe on a selected node in an explorer (e.g. project manager/layer manager)
  • Save Screenshot - Entire Application
  • Save Screenshot - Just the Globe

Icons to represent the following map layers would be useful:

  • Placenames
  • Boundaries
  • Graticules

Comments (15)

  1. Travis Rennemann

    Here's a few options for the goto placemark and some of the others you asked about. I'm still looking at the map_*.png images as replacements for Terramenta layers. wmt-icons.jpg

  2. Bruce Schubert reporter

    Sweet! Thanks Travis.

    I Iike the Gotos, especially the marker-swoosh-globe. The crosshair-globe has utility for my gazetteer service,

    The swoosh-globe makes a good Restore-Scene icon.

    • Can you please add a save-globe icon to correspond with the swoosh-globe? I would use it for Save-Scene.

    The save-application and restore-application icons do not map to any existing functionality, but they may be valuable in the future. I would keep them. Save/Restore Screen Layout is a candidate.

    Also, I made a mistake in my request for a Screenshot Globe (a Terramenta function). WMT has a Screenshot Current Window function.

    • Could you please add a screenshot-window?


    • Can you please add a plain-univeral-marker like the one used at index 1x1? I would use this image to augment my Edit, Delete, and Lock marker icons.

    Thanks a lot for your help!

  3. Travis Rennemann

    No problem Bruce! Here's an update. I have a few ideas for the placenames and boundaries...coming soon. wmt-icons2.JPG

  4. Bruce Schubert reporter

    Excellent! Should these be added to Terramenta or WMT? BTW: I added you to the Emxsys team, so you have write access to the repositories.

  5. Chris Heidt

    All Terramenta icons will be available via the Themes and Artwork project.

    This project will contain the default Terramenta illustrator project as well as an extras section containing these graphics.

    The downloads section will include pre-cut, packaged releases of iconsets for general use (i.e., &

  6. Travis Rennemann

    Thanks Bruce! I completed the icon set and you can download them from here. I added show-borders and show-placenames icons, which I think turned out pretty good. I'm closing this task, but please feel free to open more under the Themes and Artwork project. I'm going to move on to building a Terramenta module...I need a break from images. :-)


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