Investigate potential Flamingo ribbon use.

Issue #7 resolved
Chris Heidt created an issue

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Comments (6)

  1. Chris Heidt reporter

    I attempted to create a Ribbon module that would be included with the terramenta distribution that could be enabled/disabled to provide a ribbon interface.

    It did work, but to really get a nice looking ribbon you need to include the flamingo package into each module so they can design the ribbon bands for their actions(flamingo components cannot simply be a standard JComponent layout).

    Really the only way to currently get a good ribbon is to go all in, and I can't currently justify undating all plugins to use a ribbon instead of the standard menu/toolbar combo.

    Now if NetBeans migrated to a ribbon interface and provided builtin machinism for using it(Presenter.Ribbon instead of Presenter.Menu/Presenter.Toolbar) then I'd imediatly make the change.

  2. Chris Heidt reporter

    I forgot to update this issue. I went 'all in' some time ago and terramenta now uses a ribbon interface.

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