New 2.0 version of JSn-sr04t board, now has two serial modes with mm readout...

Issue #28 resolved
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Hi Tim

Fyi really. I was sent the new version and am very happy as it can now run on lower voltage ie to run it off a Li-ion battery. Also it has two new serial modes that look like it can readout in mm ! (even though it still says accuracy 1cm) I wonder if you might want to add this mode into your library? Im happy to test it for you. Im using this sensor for diesel tank and 1cm can make 30 litres difference so mm would be fabulous, even if not 100% accurate.

Heres a link to the spec sheet... or search jsn-sr04t 2.0 and pick the .pdf

Comments (3)

  1. Tim Eckel repo owner

    If the accuracy is only 1cm, the mm reading is worthless. Also, there's never been a limitation to 1cm with NewPing. The ping_cm() method of course returns values in cm, but NewPing is not limited to 1cm accuracy. You can simply do a ping() and then do whatever math you want to be as accurate as you wish. Keep in mind, that just because you CAN do this with NewPing, doesn't change the fact that these sensors are not accurate enough to return good results. It would be SUPER easy to add a ping_mm() method to NewPing, but it would be 100% worthless. I've tried to express this maybe 100 times, but it keeps falling on deaf ears.

    Also, it sounds like this sensor would already be compatible with NewPing in mode 1. In mode 2 you wouldn't need NewPing at all as it's just a serial connection that returns the distance. Other sensors work like this too, and those don't need the NewPing library as you just communicate with then directly and get the distance readings. But, in mode 1 it would work just like any other ultrasonic sensor.

  2. Tim Eckel repo owner

    Nothing to do, sensor would already work in mode 1 and mm results are already possible with NewPing using the ping() method.

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