Uno Wifi Rev2 Support

Issue #76 new
Peter Barnes created an issue

The Arduino uno wifi rev2 uses the ATMega4809 architecture which had timer support disabled in 1.9.3, according to the documentation on the board timer support should be present.

Is it possible to get it enabled?

Comments (5)

  1. Tim Eckel repo owner

    @Peter Barnes
    It’s not a matter of enabling it (that’s easy). The problem was probably that the timer functions were not compatible with the 4809.

    Since I don’t have a 4809, the way to do this is for you to enable the timer functions, test, and submit a pull request with the changes. There’s no way I can add support for the 4809 on my own as I don’t have that microcontroller.

  2. Peter Barnes reporter

    @Tim Eckel I raised a PR for this. There is a question about what to do with the timer_ms method

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