Default view for Timesheet report

Issue #1001 resolved
Artiom Popov created an issue

Hi I need to add time report to my jira dashboard. I'm doing that via Time Reports gadget. The issue is that I can't set default view as "Month". Every time i refresh my page it switches to "Week view". Any chance I can parametrise this?


Time Reports for Jira version : 2.3.6

Comments (10)

  1. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    HI @ArtiomPopov

    Please clarify you scenario. For me it looks as it works normal. My steps:

    1. new gadget
    2. set it up
    3. press middle button on blue bar with hint 'Switch to month view'
    4. after refresh I see month view.

    If you have mentioned button pressed and issue is still persists, please confirm you browser supports cookie.

    Thank you.

  2. Artiom Popov reporter

    hi Olexandr,

    I my case after refresh it goes back to weekly view for som reason. I use Chrome, coockies are supported.

  3. Artiom Popov reporter

    hi Olexandr,

    I checked that some other reports work correctly as you decribed. What could be the reason for issue in a specific reports?

  4. Artiom Popov reporter

    Hi Olexandr,

    The issue is valid. I tried remove\add gadget but it is not helping


  5. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    Artiom, could you please update to 2.3.9.

    if not help please try to remove gadget, delete cookies, add gadget,

    provide some screenshoots with settings, with settings of working gadget

    Thank you

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