Impossible to have two different reports saved

Issue #1004 resolved
Pawel Leszcz created an issue

I tried to create a links to a timesheets. One of them grouped by users, second one by Epics. Links (URL bar) do generated correctly. I copied them, they clearly different with correct params. However when I use them they display the same thing. When I tried to save both reports as a new type, they were saved. Both appeared on the list in group Saved Report, but whichever I select always only first one loads.

This makes it impossible to have two different reports generated with a single click. Was it intended?

I am using JIRA server 7.10.1

Comments (6)

  1. Pawel Leszcz reporter

    URLs still do not work. But saved reports do work. Things I have changed: - Installed Time reports and gadgets, - Removed ',' from the Saved Report names. I do not know which one helped.

  2. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    Hi Pawel,

    Issue will be fixed in next release. As temporary workaround please add '?' just after '#!/' in url e.g.!/?numOfWeeks=1&pivotTableType=Timespent

    Thank you.

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