The report generated selecting the option "All Projects" is always empty

Issue #352 resolved
BNT created an issue

In the form TimeSheet report configuration, if I select project option "All projects", the resulted report contains only empty tables. I could reproduce the same problem with both versions 2.3.15 and 2.3.16! JIRA version is 2.5.10

No special options combination is required to reproduce the bug.

For instance if I leave all the other fields empty like in the following sample

Comments (11)

  1. BNT reporter

    If I select a project the report is generated as expected, no matter if I select a username or not (uppercase or lowercase makes no difference) Only if I select "All project" the report appears to be blank! thank's a lot

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    It still sounds as issue #347. Do you use external user directory? Are your userids mixed cased? Also did it work before, and what changed, beside the customization?

  3. BNT reporter

    I restart the JIRA server and now the report don't work with user option like issue #347!!! Maybe I say wrong before? I'm sure it worked fine... I don't know!

    I change the file jira/home/ and added the property jira.timesheet.plugin.preserveWorklogAuthorCase=true and restart jira. No benefits!

    we user external user directory (LDAP AD) and the userid are mixed cased We migrated yesterday by: JIRA v4.4.5 to JIRA 5.2.10 FECRU v2.7.10 to FECRU 2.10.4 TimeSheetReport i dont know to TimeSheetReport v2.3.15 bafore and today to v2.3.15

  4. BNT reporter

    Now it works with user option (how I said before), maybe JIRA need time to self-synchronize with the external user directory (sorry). The reports problem relates to the "project option" field (project field value "All Projects" produce no visibles results)

  5. BNT reporter

    I work with this version (2.3.16 patched) since this morning! All the discussion relates to this version.

  6. BNT reporter

    Now it work fine even with the project option! Maybe JIRA really need time to wake-up? A restart is anyway necessary!! Thank's a lot for your collaboration :-)

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Great, it may be because of a lot installing re-installing plugin, but JIRA restart is the most helpful usually. And I'm sorry these properties require restart. Thank you too!

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