Timesheet report - last day today

Issue #356 resolved
Vladimir Zak created an issue

Hello, I would like to have a possibility to automatically add today as a last day to the report. Basically I would like to fill all via link


But I do not know how to set endDay to be today :( It is not possible to use javascript because of other internal reason.

Thank you for a help.


Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Right, but is it not enough? Plugin assumes that today has not ended yet, and there might not be all work logged.

  2. Vladimir Zak reporter

    Yes but in our organization we have to create the report weekly together with today work - so everyone needs to change it. I tried to help somehow automated it (basically prepare it for just one click).

  3. Vladimir Zak reporter

    I just need somehow set endDate to today - so addting today to a known value could really help me. Thanks

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Next one should be in may. Also, did you know you can add Timesheet Gadget to dashboard? With default options, just change reporting day to Today, then one can click Details in gadget title to get the report including today.

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