Timezone adjustment not carried through to Excel export

Issue #358 resolved
Hilary Boyce created an issue

Hi Our system is based on London time as most of our staff work in the UK, however we have a team in Hungary and we have noticed problems with the Excel version of the Timesheet Report. One of our developers has made a number of entries just after midnight his time. These show up on the right day on the web-based report, but on the previous day on the Excel report. I have attached clips of a report and the corresponding excel to show the differences. We see it on a number of entries but I have shown just the ones for 2nd-5th April as these demonstrate the point quite neatly. The report shown one entry per day which is what the developer did, but the excel report shows two entries for 2nd, and the others a day early with none for the 5th.

I understand that the latest release of the module has introduced changes to cope with staff working in multiple time-zones - were these changes also made in the export processing?

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Hilary,

    Clearly date is shown in timezone of user who is viewing the excel, opposite to html, that's a bug to be fixed. But on you screen shot I can see first record is missing in excel too, is it also a problem, or it is just not shown on excel screenshot?

    Thank you.

  2. Hilary Boyce reporter

    Hi Andriy

    The first record was just not shown on the excel screenshot - I was trying to pick out the 2nd-5th, I was trying to keep confidential company information private by only showing a snippet as the bitbucket wiki is open to anyone to see.

    regards Hilary

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    You may need to contact Atlassian to update plugin to version 2.4 for you when it is released, hopefully very soon.

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