Support for Greenhopper Sprints

Issue #359 open
Mark Symons created an issue

It would be useful for the plugin to have some sort of support for Greenhopper. I am thinking of three useful areas:

  • Allow “start of current sprint” as a selection option in “Reporting day”
  • Use the length of the Sprint as an alternative to “Number of weeks”.
  • Navigate in gadget(s) from Sprint to Sprint

The existing ability to filter based on JQL such as:

Sprint in openSprints()

..does help a lot, but does not cater for the navigation and visualization aspects.

Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    That is a great request, indeed. I also agree with that, because it will be useful for our business too.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Note, version 2.7.4 is released with possibility to lock gadgets view at specific time, and also time sliders added to Pivot Gadget and Worked Time Chart gadget.

    This might satisfy your needs, please let me know.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov
    • changed status to open

    Support for Jira Agile Sprint is possible with JQL like the following: 'project = "XXX" AND sprint in openSprints() AND sprint not in futureSprints()'

    There is, though still disabled, possibility, to leave dates empty, to include all worklogs, not limited by date.

    So in case of interest this may be enabled.

    Note, this is applicable for Time Reports for both Jira Server and Cloud and Timesheet Reports and Gadgets for Jira Cloud solely.

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