Sum Tasks/Stories into Epic

Issue #360 resolved
Even Vinge created an issue

Proposal: sum tasks/stories into epic, similarly to compose issue link (see also issue #301)

-- original description --

When choosing to group by Epic name in the Timesheet report, the column is shown as "Field not set" for all issues.

The same is true for Epic status, but Epic link works as expected.

Attached screenshot of the Timesheet report.

The same problem exists when using Timesheet report as a Dashboard Gadget.

Comments (12)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Even,

    I've just verified with "Epic/Theme" field and it is displayed for Epic issues only. I think in your case there is no Epic issues in report result set, but just Story issues, which do not have Epic field initialized. I think, Epic issues usually are not worked on, so do not have worklogs, thus do not get into the report.

    However, I can't see 'Epic name' field with default GreenHopper installation, or 'Epic status'. And can't understand what you mean by "'Epic link' works as expected".

    You see, I've made a lot of assumptions diagnosing your problem. Please clarify if you're using something else. May be you use some custom calculated fields for Epic name and status, which I'm not aware of at all.

    Thank you.

  2. Even Vinge reporter

    Hi Andriy

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I now understand that the Epic name seems to be actually only filled in for the actual Epic issues, and not for issues that are related to an Epic.

    Our scenario can, it seems, be resolved by moving away from epics to Versions (with the added support in 6.2).

    Thanks for your feedback!

    Best regards, Even

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Even,

    I've just tried to think over the implementation of the support for Epic Link for summing hours of Stories/Subtasks into Epic, and realized that you may use 'Compose Issue Link' in Plugin Configuration for this.

    Could you please let me know if my assumption is correct, and there is no need for additional support for Epic Link?

    I.e. you may select Epic Link in Compose Issue Link, enable transitive composition and get all hours summed to correcponding Epic. Does it work like this?

    I understand you may not needed it, but it may help others.

    Please let me know.

    Thank you.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov
    • changed status to open

    I've just realized 'Epic Link' is a custom field (and not a link), so to make suggested workaround be valid, support for 'Epic Link' custom field must be added to 'Compose Issue Link' feature.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Additionaly Epic Link is used to Sum subtasks, and to aggregate time tracking additional fields: Time Spent, Remaining Estimate, Original Estimate and Time Tracking.

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