Time Sheet Report takes an excessive amount of time to display

Issue #363 resolved
Dave C created an issue


Using the Time Sheet Report on certain instance configurations will take an excessive amount of time to generate. This is causing timeouts on our ngnix proxy in OnDemand and renders the plugin unusable for our customers who have instances configured in this manner.


  • JIRA 6.0-rc1
  • PostgreSQL
  • Internal Directory

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install JIRA 6.0-rc1 (can be downloaded from http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/download-eap)
  2. Restore the provided XML backup. This is demo data created with our data generator and has evaluation licenses loaded. Login / pass is admin / sphere.
  3. Install the timesheet plugin.
  4. Browse to a project and attempt to generate a time sheet report.

Expected Results

The report configuration screen appears within a suitable timeframe.

Actual Results

The screen takes 11 minutes to generate. See attached image.


Attached HAR file can be viewed with http://pcapperf.appspot.com/

The XML backup can be downloaded from https://transfer.atlassian.com with the following credentials:

Login: jiratimesheet Pass: CyPHfdax

As a reminder the login/pass for the backup is admin / sphere

That file storage will expire by 2013-05-17 and the file will no longer be available. If you need it any time after that and didn't get a chance to get it in time, please leave a comment here so I can get back to you.


Comments (18)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi David,

    I have managed to reproduce the problem as you described, and conclude that it has the same nature as issue #346, i.e. caused by https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-32510

    You might notice there on configuration screen 3 selectors used, Project, Group by Field, and Additional field. All of them have a lot of values. Replacing them with input boxes (type = string in atlassian-plugin.xml) elimantes the problem. However it can not be considered as workaround. I think Atlassian should prioritize fixing JRA-32510.

    Note, Group by field selector is used gadget with no performance issues.

    To completely make sure it is the same problem, try it with JIRA 5.1.8, it should not reproduce there.

    Please let me know if you have any further concerns.

    Thank you.

  2. Dave C Account Deactivated reporter

    Andriy, thanks for a really quick response!

    I was not able to replicate this in 5.1.8 with a similar set of data (I had to recreate it using our data generator), nor in 5.2.11 with the exact same set of data (I originally generated it in 5.2.11 and then upgraded that to 6.0-rc1).

    This doesn't seem to be the same issue? None of these instances I verified with are integrated with Crowd and they only have this plugin installed. To summarise:

    • 5.1.8 & 5.2.11 - unable to replicate
    • 6.0-rc1 - able to replicate

    It looks like this is something specific to do with the way the plugin integrates with JIRA 6.0.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi David,

    It does not relate to crowd, but to drop down boxes in report configuration screen.

    In problem with crowd, I verified that groups drop down list is rendered fine on gadget configuration which is using javascript, REST and the same backend. But it caused the problem on report configuration screen, which is JIRA infrastructure.

    Though it's strange that you can't reproduce it in 5.2.11, regression with groups was confirmed in 5.2.10.

    Thank you.

  4. Dave C Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks Andriy, I'll bring this up with our developer internally and get back to you. :)

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