Logged time shifted to left by one day?

Issue #375 resolved
Former user created an issue


We are having a weird issue happening for one of our users, every time entry has shifted backwards by one day, however, this is only happening for one person.

Usually I would assume this is a user error, however, the dates entered time has shifted to Sundays, and I'm pretty sure they didn't actually enter time on the Sunday and made the same mistake over and over again. Any idea what could be causing this?

I've attached a screenshot of what this looks like on the timesheet, maybe it will help. For the other users it all looks fine, so I'm not sure what could be causing this...

Details about our environment: JIRA OnPremise: 5.2.10 Greenhopper: 6.2.1 Timesheet Add-on: 2.4 (upgraded last week)

Thanks for any ideas! Tudor

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Tudor,

    Is it possible that this user has some problems with timezone settings? So that every time he logs work done it goes to other day instead. You can check his log records in issue work log, please check what date they have there.

    Thank you

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    You are bang on! The user did change their timezone so we just changed it back and it looks fine now! Thank you!!!

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    You are bang on! The user did change their timezone so we just changed it back and it looks fine now! Thank you!!! :)

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