Timesheet Gadget on Shared Dashboard - "Show entries created by user" (when left blank) does not use actual user

Issue #393 resolved
Former user created an issue

We are using JIRA v5.0.6 and your Timesheet plugin in version 2.5.1.


I quote the first comment because it is the exact same error description as I would have written ;)

Timesheet Gadget shows entries of other user and not of the current user if the field "show entries created by user" is left blank in configuration of the gadget. When typing in the name of the current user, everything works well e.g. in private dashboards. But we use the Gadget in a shared dashboard, so it is necessary to have the field empty.

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Patrice,

    I can't reproduce it, trying login with different users, using two browsers, and also setting/clearing the gadget parameter.

    Could you help me to diagnose it, using Firefox with Firebug or Chrome, in corresponding developer tool, check what ajax request is performed when you click next/previous week?

    It should be something like .../jira/rest/timesheet-gadget/1.0/timesheet.json?baseUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A2990%2Fjira&targetUser=&targetGroup=&...

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy, I hope this is what you need. If you need I can send you a screenshot, too:

    Here is the request. I used Firefox 23 with Firebug for that.


    There is no value for targetUser but still it.... after the plugin update yesterday we restarted JIRA and I also reconfigured the timesheet gadget..

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Ah, there is projectOrFilter passed, so you have specified project and thus gadget shows project timesheet view, for multiple users. Is it correct? This is expected behavior since 2.4.

    To workaround this, you need to create filter just for your project and use it in the Project or Filter configuration.

    Please let me know whether it helps.

    Thank you.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hello Andriy,

    the workaround you have described works fine :-) So just to be clear: if I state a certain project instead of a filter then the worklog of all user in the project is always displayed if I leave the "Show entries by user" blank?

    Thank you

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Patrice,

    Great, and right, and it's actually introduced in v 2.3.15, here is some more information:

    If project is specified in timesheet report or gadget configuration without exact user, plugin displays hours for all users worked for project.

    Thank you.a

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