Time report gadget not showing any data again (#347 follow up)

Issue #396 resolved
Former user created an issue

Dear Andriy,

We tried to update to 2.5 on our test server (using a backup-restore from production), which is still a Jira v5.1.1, and the worklog entries disappeared.

I went back to 2.4 and upgraded step by step (2.4.1., 2.4.2, 2.4.3) and it worked all the way long. It seems that 2.5 broke it.

Did you change anything? I restarted JIRA as per requested in the release notes.

Btw. jira-config.properties still contains: jira.timesheet.plugin.preserveWorklogAuthorCase=true

Comments (12)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Just one remark, similar to the previous case (#347), if I'm not checking the timesheet plugin, but running a timesheet report, not specifying any user, then it reports the worklogs. If I specify my name (and JIRA changes in the user pick up field to the ID) it won't list anything.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    (Oh, Forgot to mention in the previous comment, that Timesheet Jira Report only worked, because I installed 2.5.1, since 2.5 had an Oracle error...)

  3. Andriy Zhdanov


    Could you please try version 2.5.2 from bitbucket Downloads? It looks like I broke it in 2.4.1, so I'm not sure I understand it properly, thus this experiment, please.

    Thank you.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Unfortunatelly I upgraded our DEV to 6.0.6 (it works with 2.5.1 of course), so I'm thinking about where to check it. (Or we have to migrate to 6 ASAP :)))

  5. Andriy Zhdanov


    Sorry, can't understand you. Version 2.5.2 is not published, but it is based on 2.5.1 with the changes that may help you. You can download it from Downloads tab here.

    Thank you.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm sorry I was not clear enough. In the meantime I upgraded our DEV server to JIRA 6.0.6 and realized that the JIRA upgrade is converting the WORKLOG table records (changing user id to lowercase), so at the moment our DEV server works with 2.5.1 on JIRA6. I can check 2.5.2 from bitbucket on our PROD environment (which is still on 5.1.1), but only during the night, so I need a little bit time to arrange that.

    Thank you.

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Ah, I see, just notice, it may be not the best idea to update PROD to 2.5.2, unless 2.5.1 passes your tests at DEV.

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    I know, therefore I wrote I don't know where to test.

    Does 2.5.2 migrate any data? Or if it is not working, we can fall back to 2.4 without any problem?

    Other option is to migrate PROD to JIRA6 as soon as possible and upgrade timesheet gadget only after that.

    Thank you for your support.

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Yes, it should be the safest way, migrate PROD to JIRA 6 when you can, and upgrade timehseet plugin then. I hope there is nothing that you need urgently in 2.5.

    So I'm closing it, please reopen if needed later.

    Thank you.

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