Time Sheet Report export to Excel: exportting multiline worklog comments as multiple (merged) Excel rows

Issue #404 resolved
Former user created an issue

We rely on the Time Sheet Report and it broke sometimes/somehow, after upgrading from 2.4 to 2.5.4 (we had some issues with 2.4, but in the meantime went onto JIRA 6.0.7 as well).

Our problem is the following: if there is a worklog fo a given task, which worklog contains a comment with several lines separated with line brakes (Enter), exporting to Excel fails. The export actually works, but I mean fails, because we post process the exported Excel (having some vlookup-s and pivot tables, etc.), and the exported Excel file looks like the following. The worklog entries with multiple comment lines appear as multiple Excel rows, but some cells (key, title, etc.) are MERGED cells (the comment cells are not). In this case ordering does not work, also our vlookup functions fail to work.

Could you please check what was changed, because I'm pretty sure this was working before.

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    I don't think anything has changed, and I've just verified Excel view for Timesheet Report on JIRA 5.0.5 and JIRA 6.0.7 with sample multi-line text, it works fine.

    May be you could attach generated ConfigureReport.jspa that is saved when you click Excel View. You might want to remove sensitive data and/or send it by email privately.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Dear Andriy, I sent you an email to your gmail address with the details. Thanks!

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Looks like it's a user error :) Excel interprets <br/ > so that it generates multiple rows. In our case we do a replace in the source file, before importin into Excel and finished.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    This may be because of the Excel tool used. LibreOffice ignores the <br/> tag, but MS Excel seems to interpret it as new row. It's a pity I can't help.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov


    I have figured out that it is a regression, even though just in some excel programs. So version 2.5.6 with the fix is available Atlassian Marketplace.

    Thank you.

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