User Level Holiday Calendar

Issue #407 closed
Nath Papadacis created an issue

It would be a great new feature to allow the group timesheet to display holidays/sickness/non-work days (potentially even part time hours) on a per user basis.

This would allow at a glance view resource capacity for a team.

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi @npapadacis, @bobbydams,

    Did you consider you using an issue for user holidays? We and I've heard some other do it like creating General Project, and a few fixed issues in it e.g. GP-1: Sickness, GP-2: Paid Leave, GP-3: Volunteer work, etc.

    Then, since 2.7.6, you also can have this issues also shown in Timesheet Gadget standard view, using 'In Progress issues' option in Administration - Add Ons - Timesheet Configuration to quickly add hours from dashboard.

    If this does not suite your needs, could you please explain why, to let me better understand requirements?

    Thank you.

  2. Bobby Drake

    I actually thought about doing that as well. However, we want to show productive hours, which is what your timesheet report shows accurately now. If someone is sick/on holiday, simply seeing that day (column), for that user, in a different colour (like the weekends) would be sufficient for us.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    @npapadacis , @bobbydams - see my two screenshots. I have got the same you wanted without plugin modifications. 1.jpg 2.jpg It is a way, that @azhdanov wrote "creating General Project, and a few fixed issues in it e.g. GP-1: Sickness, GP-2: Paid Leave, GP-3: Volunteer work, etc." - it really works.

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