Fixed range date parameter for gadgets

Issue #428 resolved
Former user created an issue

Since it is mandatory to have a range of dates to proceed the query, beyond the number of weeks (as a reference parameter), consider to have and OR clause (as an absolute and static parameter). Then the gadget configuration would look like as below:

[First parameter of the gadget]

Number of weeks: 99 OR

Range of dates: StartDate [01/10/2013] and EndDate [31/12/2013]

It's because, in some cases (my case as an example), sometimes you need that the view just keep moving foward as time pass (current situation). But, in other specific cases, you need a kind of snapshot view. It means, the view must be frozen in a given time / period (through the absolute parameters), showing all the records as they were logged in that moment.

Just for clarification, we need that, because for all our sprints we create an specific dashboard (for monitoring and control) to register all events related to the sprint, including work log notes to the specific period.

With these kind of information (current and past dashboards) from time to time we revisit the information for comparision and process' improvements purposes.

Thanks in advance for a quick analyse over here.

Comments (20)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Hey Andriy,

    I think it's a good new! If you assign yourself the issue, for sure, the feature will be released in a couple of weeks... Am I correct?

    Best regards! ;D


  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mchel,

    Sorry no, I just wanted to make things consistent, I hope to change status to Open once progress is started.

    Thank you.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    I.e. for some issues are unassigned, and I can't find a way to make it automatically assigned.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    OK, no problem!

    I'll keep cheering for you guys to address this issue soon.

    If you need any help just call.

    Cheers! ;D

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Michel,

    I'm thinking of starting progress on it, particularly implementing it as a small lock icon in header of Time Sheet Gadget, to 'freeze' time interval at current position. Do you think it will suite your use case?

    Also, I think it intersects with Issue #359, support for Agile sprints. But hopefully both, if implemented, will still be useful independently.

    Thank you.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    Sorry for check your message just right now (monday morning). Last friday was a holiday here in Brazil and, due that, I decided to took some days off to rest (with my family) a little bit! ;D

    At a first glance, I think it's a good idea. But, I would be more assertive if I could see some preview screenshots.

    As a particular recommendation, just keep in mind that is very important to be able to consult all information about the issues (pre-selected on a given filter) in all the gadgets, including Worked Time Pie Chart.

    You are right, this issue really have an intersection with issue #359. Due that, I've idealized an implementation as follows:

    • If you have dates (Start and End) we need to expose the possibility to moving (foward and backwards) between this period;

    • For Worked Time Pie Chart, on the other hand, you need to consider all the registered time (related first to the filter informed) and between this period.

    However, if you intend to just expose a lock icon to freeze the results (in Time Sheet gadget), here you have my concerns:

    • Be aware about exposing information on the others gadgets (just for compliance);

    • Take special attention to Worked Time Pie Chart, as I mentioned above, there are some cares to provide the information to this gadget (I'm particulary interested on this feature);

    • Finally, don't forget to worry about the moving features (forward and backward) on Time Sheet and Pivot gadgets.

    Hope it helps!

    If you need some more information just let me know.

    Cheers! ;D

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Michel,

    No worries, hope you had great time, and thanks a lot for through comments, I will keep it all in mind.

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Version 2.7.4 is released with possibility to lock gadgets view at specific time, and also time sliders added to Pivot Gadget and Worked Time Chart gadget.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    Hey Andriy,

    First of all, I wish you a fabulous new year!

    It's great to hear that you've worked on this issue. I'll update my enviroment and, as soon as possible I'll provide you some feedback about the new feature.

    Best, Michel

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