Epic fields are not applied to sub-tasks

Issue #439 resolved
Former user created an issue

JIRA does not allow to assign sub-tasks to an Epic, but it relates to it since the parent issue is assigned to the Epic. It would be nice if the TimeSheet reports would show the epic fields from the parent issues for the sub-tasks.

Comments (20)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Aleksey,

    Could you please try 'Sum Sub Tasks' report configuration option? Note, you also need to configure 'Composition Issue Link' (set it to Epic Link) and enable 'Composition is Transitive' option in Timesheet Plugin Configuration in Administration - Add-Ons.

    Please see also http://www.jiratimesheet.com/#/wiki/Plugin_Configuration for some more information.

    Please let me know if it solves your need.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    This solution would perfectly work for us, but it does not work for the following reason. We have a JIRA custom field "Billing Account" which can be different for the sub-tasks on an issue, which included to the Epic. If I will use composition feature, then the time will be grouped incorrectly. For such case I see only two solutions: 1) Fix the plugin to show Epic fields in reports 2) If timesheet plugin has a group by field set up in the configuration, and sub-tasks of the same issue have different value for a group by field, than these sub-tasks must be grouped separately from one another.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Aleksey,

    I'm trying to make it show epic fields for sub-tasks from parent issue, but noticed that only Epic Link is shown in report, however when I look at the issues in Agile Board, I see epic names there. I.e. I would expect Epic/Theme and/or Epic Name be specified for all issues in the Epic, but it is shown only for Epic issue itself. Please see screen shot.

    Just would like to check with, do you have the same currently? Note, in screen shot sub-task has Epic Link, this what is changed only.

    Thank you.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy, I see exactly the same behaviour, but that is an expected behaviour. All issues that are added to epic (subtask inherit it from parent issues) have "Epic Link" field assigned. "Epic Name" field is shown not empty only for issues of type "Epic". "Epic/Theme" field is a legacy field that was introduced before the nifty Epic Links" approach. "Epic/Theme" field is of type Label and it is used to relate an issue to some scope.

  5. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to open

    Excel report export from the plugin puts issues with "Epic/Theme" field value on 3 excel rows instead of 1 row, please see the attachment in the following comments.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Attachment for the issue with "Epic/Theme" field impact on Excel export. The export creates 3 rows for issues with "Epic/Theme" field set, instead of 1 row.

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Aleksey,

    I'm not sure I get it, but I suspect that it is expected. Excel shows all issue fields per each worklog entry in excel. So you might have 3 worklogs for a Story, so Epic/Theme field is written 3 times.

    Otherwise please provide better screen shots, and corresponding worklog tab from the issue.

    Thank you.

  8. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to open

    The issue is not about individual work logs, the issue is about the Pencil icon in the "Epic/Theme" field.

    The issue is reproduced when we include Epic/Theme field in the report. The requested URL: /ConfigureReport.jspa?startDate=9%2FDec%2F13&endDate=15%2FDec%2F13&targetUser=&targetGroup=jira-users&priority=&projectid=&filterid=11443&projectRoleId=&weekends=true&groupByField=&moreFields=customfield_10124&moreFields=customfield_10120&moreFields=customfield_10001&moreFields=labels&moreFields=timetracking&selectedProjectId=10000&reportKey=jira-timesheet-plugin%3Areport&Next=Next

    The screen shot is attached (test scr.jpg) Also I have attache the report (ConfigureReport!excelView.xls). Please look at "Epic/Theme" column. It is build on 3 rows.

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Alesksey,

    If I understand it correctly, you have two conerns:

    1) Epic/Theme being repeated over 3 rows in Excel. Have you seen my previous comment explaining the reasons?

    2) Pencil icon in html view. It is rendered by field view tempalte, I can't change it.

    Thank you.

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    The Pincil icon view is fine, that was just my assumption of the impact. The "Epic/Theme" field issue is not what you have described. Please look at the attached XLS to the issue. if you look at this you will see that the epic them field takes 3 rows for 1 issue. And it does not depend on the number of work logs in a day, please see different Users in the report.

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Aleksey,

    Sorry for delay, I've finally got some thoughts to try, but can't find proper combination of JIRA/GH versions to reproduce the problem, i.e. to get Epic/Theme shown as link. For me it's shown as plain text or not shown at all in JIRA 6.1.

    Could you please clarify your JIRA/GH versions?

    Thank you.

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