Workload Pie by worklog reporter

Issue #449 resolved
Former user created an issue


It would be nice to have the workload pie by the workload reporter and not only by the issue reporter.

When having multiple developers working on the same feature, it would be good then to have a workload pie by the time each one has reported.


Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm using the latest version but the Group By option does not appear on Workload Pie, only on Worked Time Chart.

    I want to do a workload pie based on the work report date for a full release (from Apr to Nov), but the Worked Time Chart only allows 8 weeks. Would it be possible to do it in the Workload Pie?

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Ah, that's exactly why Worked Time Chart exists. Workload Pie chart is standard JIRA gadget which does not support showing time by worked user, so we've created Worked Time Chart, as part of Timesheet Reprots and Gadgets Add-On (plugin) for JIRA.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Is there any way to bypass the number of weeks and just use a filter to plot this chart?

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