Export to Excel show wrong dates (not the same dates as html Report)

Issue #455 resolved
Alex Kiselev _Itransition_ created an issue

Jira version v5.1.4 plugin Version: 2.7.2 License SEN: SEN-2417459

Steps to reproduce: 1. Log in as Anton Kan (time zone in Profile is currently Minsk, GMT+3) 2. Go to Projects -> Hestia 3. Choose Reports -> TimeSheet Report 4. Choose Start Date -> 1/Nov/13, End Date -> 30/Nov/13, User -> C20486338_IAntipov (his timezone is also Minsk, GMT+3, and he was in this timezone during whole November, no any business trips) 5. Click Next 6. On the report page, click Excel View

Actual result:

Web page in JIRA - 167 hours reported for 1/Nov - 30/Nov (see attached screenshot)
Excel file - the same 167 hours and for the same tasks, but other dates (31/Oct - 29/Nov) - see attached Excel file. Looks like some or all dates are shifted by 1 day.

Expected result: Dates on web page and in Excel should be the same and correspond to what I have chosen in the report settings

Comments (5)

  1. Alex Kiselev _Itransition_ reporter

    Hello, Andriy

    Seems the problem should be common for Belarus and Russia due to the fact that since 2011 there is no Summer|Winter time changes

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Alex,

    I've looked a bit more at this problem, and unfortunately can't do anything, beside suggesting workaround:

    Please, set timezone to GMT+3 Kaliningrad, temporarily - till when time would be changed back to summer time, i.e. 30 March; or for always - if it does not matter much.

    This is java problem, and I've just tried rather recent jdk 1.7.0_40 (latest update is 45), and it still has this problem.

    I've also noticed, if you do Log Work Done in issue, time is also wrong (as if it was GMT+2 on this page and in Work log tab also.

    You may find it also interesting reading this blog post: http://dzimchuk.net/blog/post/JVM-6-and-Minsk-time-zone, however bug is not available anymore.

    Thank you.

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