Option to not show Project in Time Sheet gadget

Issue #460 resolved
Former user created an issue

In our use case, it would be useful to have an option on the Time Sheet gadget not to show the Projects. We group them by something else (a custom field), and the project is always the same.

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Yes this feature would be helpful to us also. We would like the report to be grouped by user only. Grouped by worked user without grouping by project. Our team users work on multiple projects. Thank you

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm pretty sure we'd like this feature too - we'd love to use this tool to track our work per issue type (and a few other fields also) but having the forced project grouping is making reporting complex.

    It would be great if for example, in the screenshot above, I could see how many "bug" issue type hours I've spent across both my projects.

    Is there any chance a way to remove this grouping could make it into the plugin? Definite purchase for us if it could :)

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Note, Worked Time Chart gadget does this - groups by field only, i.e. with no grouping by project.

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