Timesheet query

Issue #476 resolved
l created an issue


I have one additional question, can you clarify it via this e-mail chain or should I create a new ticket ?

  1. There is a gadget on the dashboard -> “Time sheet” and in this gadget logged work can be tracked, but if for example: There are two person: X and Y, and person X create a issue type and assignee it to person Y and logs 2h which person Y currently spent on given issue, after that person Y logs work for the same issue type for himself , and after that person Y would like to see entire logged work for given issue type in gadget time sheet, is it possible?

There is a problem because this gadget display only work logged by particular person (person Y does not see work logged by person Z), there is some option in time sheet edit mode (please see attached file). But there we can put only one person, or put more in field Show entries created by user ? If there is a possibility to pun more tan one person it can solve my problem, so could you indicate how put there person X and person Y ? or share me some other way how to solve this case ?

Thanks in advance.

Comments (8)

  1. l reporter

    Hi, thanks for advice but it doesn’t work.

    Still when I use “Group By” option with Assignee = kmakol, I receive only workload which I assigned to kmakol:

    And when I use “Show entries created by user” option = kmakol, I receive only work logged by kmakol by himself :

    But I would like receive the sum of this logged work on one common Time sheet.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov


    That's correct, looks like I didn't understand what you need, sorry. Let me try more.

    1) "Show entries for group" option, use e.g. jira-users. It shows users instead instead of issues, and you can see issues when you mouse over the hours.

    2) Project or Filter option, and Group By: Worked user

    3) Pivot gadget shows users work by issues. But no days then.

    It's not possible to have issues, days and users simultaneously.

    Thank you.

  3. l reporter

    Hi, Thanks for help. By using of this advices I have solved my problem.

    One more question which come to my mind: Is it possible to add some constrains that logging the work is not possible if due date for issue is expired ? For example there is issue “technical support” and due date is 20th of January, and user would like to log the work on 24th of January and it will not be allowed? (some message will be indicate)

    Thanks in advance for help.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov


    Great, thank you for confirmation.

    Regarding your other question, I think Tempo could do this, please try checking with them.

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