[request] Allowing for selection of multpile groups in a Project Pivot report

Issue #503 resolved
Former user created an issue

It would be helpful if the project pivot report allowed the user to select multiple groups. Right now, the choices are for a single group or for everyone, which is a somewhat limiting choice.

As a note, if multiple group choices are allowed, it would be important to add "group" as one of the possible additional fields.

My request is based on the desire to run a single report on all the groups within my division (but not EVERYONE in our jira instance) and then be able to sort the report based on group. There are enough groups that running the reports one at a time per group is time consuming.

Comments (7)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks, Andrly! The exclusion element works great! Is it possible to list or group by the user group on the report? I might be overlooking that

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Great. No, it's not possible to show user group in any way nor group by it. But it's possible to group by Role, may be this will help. Grouping by group may be added in similar manner. Please add another request if you'd like. Thank you.

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