Report showing time, but on incorrect date

Issue #514 resolved
Former user created an issue

when running a timesheet report, I saw some inconsistent totals when running a report on a monday-friday window. After expanding the report window, I saw hours that were listed in JIRA as worked on monday, but in the report they were listed as Sunday.

See attached screenshots. The JIRA view shows the hours in the monday column. The Report view shows the same hours and the same associated issues, but the hours were listed in the Sunday column.

Comments (48)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    This is happening to us as well. I've looked through all of the documentation, but I haven't found anything that provides a fix. We just upgraded our Jira from a 5.X to 6.2 with the latest timesheet plugin and now our weekly totals are not matching. We only have a few folks that are in different timezones, but they are the ones with the issues on their time sheets. Am I missing a configuration setting somewhere to force the timesheet reports to reconcile and provide totals based on the system time?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andrly,

    That might explain it. Though everyone working for us is in a single office/timezone. Is this just the server timezone setting as well as the user's computer timezone setting? Or is there a setting in the reports as well?

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gary,

    Ciuld you please confirm if you've seen the link above your comment, but it is not the case? Note, there is no configuration setting for this.

    Hi Jason,

    Computer time zone is taken into account by JIRA server only, unless timezone is specified in administration. Further more, JIRA server timezone is used for user, unless there is timezone specified in user profile.

    Coukd you please clarify that both users you and one that has reported hours have the same timezone in user profile?

    Thank you.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andiry,

    I did review the link above and that helped explain the situation, but I still need a workaround or a method to be able to view a report that presents the data without the time difference. I've attached 2 screenshots. One is from the task detail that show that our resource Julie, logged 5 hours on 5/2. The second screenshot shows the report view, but is showing that time entry on the previous day. We need a report that reflects the proper date that she worked on the task. Please advise and thanks for your help.Screen Shot 2014-05-07 at 8.33.13 AM.pngScreen Shot 2014-05-07 at 9.00.05 AM.png

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andrly,

    Using the person who's hours I captured in the screenshot for the original post, I have verified the server, the user's computer, and the user's JIRA account preferences are all set to GMT +6:00. So it does not appear that a difference in time zones is the cause in this case.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gary,

    Well, may be link does not really explain the case. The intention of plugin is to show hours spent on the day it was logged by worked user. So in your case it rather matters if Julie sees 5 hours on 5/2 in issue worklog? I guess no, because Jason seems to expirience similar problem.

    I will try to investigate it, assuming that it is essential that hours are logged at midnight in GMT+6.

    Thank you.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Correction. We are GMT -6:00 (not +) But that does bring up an interesting point, with daylight savings time, we move from GMT-6:00 to -5:00. So all configurations SHOW us as GMT-6:00 currently. But we effectively GMT -5:00 at this time due to daylight savings. Does that possibly have an impact?

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Jason,

    It may have an impact on the day the time was changed. What day you have hours shifted? Also is it repeatable on other days?

    Thank you.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    This year the time shift was on March 9. So that would be a different week than what I had in the screenshots on the original post.

  10. Former user Account Deleted


    I think I have narrowed our issue down to folks entering time in Tempo, which we use as well. Do you know if folks are able to successfully use your plugin along with Tempo? It seems as if when you log time with Tempo on a prior day (for instance, if I log time for last week on Monday morning), the default time stamp is 00:00:00, so if I'm in a different time zone than the server, the days could fluctuate. I'm curious if any others have had success with Tempo and your plugin.

    Thanks again, Gary

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gary,

    Yes both plugins used to co-exist just fine, but what you've described may explain the problem. To confirm, could you please clarify how does Julie see these 5 hours, in issue and timesheet?

    Thank you.

  12. Former user Account Deleted

    Sure, here is a screen shot from her view, which you can see is different than what I uploaded earlier. She entered the 5/2 time in Tempo for 5/2, but the time zone difference is causing it to show as 5/1.Julie.png

  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gary,

    Ok, it's clear that problem is caused by timezone difference. Would it be possible to fix timezone for Julie? Though I think that Tempo causes the problem by using server timezone when recording worked hours.

    Thank you.

  14. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm sorry Andriy, but what do you mean by "fix timezone" for Julie? Her timezone is currently set for her correct time zone. Do you want me to have her change it to match the server time?

    Thanks again for all of your help, Gary

  15. Former user Account Deleted


    In my case, the server matches the user's computer and JIRA account timezone settings.

  16. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gary,

    yes this is basically what I've meant. Additionally you may try to rise bug with Tempo, that hours logged do not honor worked user time zone, and show screen shot of Julie view of issue work log.

    Hi Jason,

    You seem to have different problem, I should be able to look at it closer on Monday.

    Thank you.

  17. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Jason,

    Sorry for delay, I could not come up with any distinct idea. Could you please show how worklog looks like in jira issue itself from your and user worked on it point of view? E.g. 2.5h for MCKIII-29 by Ernie on Apr 20, probably.

    Thank you.

  18. Former user Account Deleted

    Sorry! I was on vacation and failed to upload the requested screenshots. The larger image is from the users account/view. The smaller (showing the same date range) is from mine.Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 10.35.15 AM.pngScreen Shot 2014-06-23 at 10.25.17 AM.png

  19. Andriy Zhdanov
    • changed status to open

    Hi Jason,

    No problem, thank you for adding it now, though I still can't make clear sense of it. Looking at larger screen shot I can see that work was logged on 14/Apr 8:55 PM and 17/Apr 3:10 PM, but that does not correspond work log view with 14/Apr and 15/Apr. I assume that user has specified Started Date, but it can be seen on screen shot.

    I'd really like to see Work Log tab, like here, but you don't seem to have one.

  20. Former user Account Deleted

    For security reasons, we had that module disabled. But I have enabled it for the time being. you can see the tab you wanted at this time.

  21. Former user Account Deleted

    note that here it's the 13th and 14th of April. In the view from the earlier screenshots, they say the 14th and 15th.

  22. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Jason,

    Yes, so timesheet plugin shows data as JIRA. Probably when work is logged you can specify date using other plugin, and this is not properly passed to jira db.

    Please let me know if you think I can do anything in this concern.

    Thank you.

  23. Former user Account Deleted

    Am I understanding correctly that your opinion is that the problem is in JIRA and/or Tempo, and not the reporting plugin?

  24. Andriy Zhdanov

    Problem is that I don't know how Tempo makes it on 14th and 15th even though JIRA shows it on 13th and 14th. It does not mean Tempo has a problem, I just can say that worklog start date is not set to what Tempo shows.

  25. Former user Account Deleted

    understood. Thanks. I'll follow up with the guys at Tempo to see if they have any insight.

  26. Former user Account Deleted

    Just a follow up to let you know this was truly fixed. It was a discrepancy in time logged through JIRA dialogs vs. Tempo dialogs. Resetting server timezone along with disabling JIRA worklog entry (forcing time entry through tempo) appears to have solved the problem.

  27. Former user Account Deleted

    I am new to Jira and I am running into the same issue as well. Time reported on the 28th shows up on the timesheet for the 27th. The workweek is showing that it is starting on Sunday and not Monday. I validated that my Profile shows the correct time stamp. It seems to be 1 full day off. Even stranger is that there are 2 people in the group whose time sheets are correct and all others are wrong. Validated their profile is same as mine. Any ideas? Capture.PNG

  28. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Carl,

    The week is starting on Sunday due to your local settings. You may force it to start it on Monday by specifying Reporting Day option in gadget.

    For time shift problem, could you please clarify, different users are located in the same timezone, and has all reported time on 28th, but for some users you see it on 28th but for one on 27th?

    Also, does the problematic user sees it on 28th?

    Note, plugin is considering reported user timezone, see here for more details:

    Thank you.

  29. Former user Account Deleted

    To clarify, when i say the beginning of the workweek shows Sunday, what i mean is that Mondays time shows up on Sunday's sheet. Tuesdays on Mondays Sheet. And So on... In this image, i JUST updated a worklog and it shows the date of the 28th in the Work Log. However, in the Time Sheet, that entry shows up on the 27th. I have a group of people updating work entries today, but none are showing up on the correct date.
    And If I change the date to a prior date (I added to the work log and used the date of the 27th) that work shows up in the time sheet on the 26th... Capture.PNG

  30. Andriy Zhdanov

    Looks like it happens only starting this week? If so, it might be related to day light saving time changes. Could you please let me know what timezone are you in?

  31. Former user Account Deleted

    We just switched from BugZilla to Jira so this is all brand new. I am just getting the users to properly enter in their times on a daily basis. My query pulls Monday to Monday but if you notice, there is no time on the Timesheet for Friday. But if i look in the logs, i Do see work logged on friday. it is just reported on Thursday Timesheet. All settings are GMT-5:00 New York. Daylight savings is only 1 hour difference. This is a full Day difference.

  32. Andriy Zhdanov

    Daylight savings may cause it because internally plugin rounds worklog time to midnight, so with 1 hour offset it may end up in previous day. But of course it should not!

    When you update worklog, do you specify Date Started, right? Because it does not matter when you log work done, but rather what is specified in Date Started field.

    But in your first comment you said that there are 2 people that have hours shown correctly. To exclude timezone concern, you are all in the same timezone, right? But in your screen shot I can't see any hours on Wed, today, or in Friday last week.

  33. Former user Account Deleted

    Capture.PNGIt is 16:00 here in the US and these entries were done around 11:00 so we are no where near the time where Daylight Savings would affect anything. Not sure what you mean for "Date Started". there is a "Date" field in the Log Work screen. (See attached) This date is the correct date but it does not match the date shown on the TimeSheet.

    Anything entered on Friday, is showing up on the Thursday Timesheet. This is brand new process and we are just starting to enter time into Jira. It is becoming the new corporate standard (as soon as we can get it all working... :) )

    Tomorrow, i will have everyone in the group update a Jira in the morning and again in the afternoon to see what dates they show up. This way i can validate dates for each person. Any thoughts to help you debug this are appreciated. The program is exactly what we want to use. My Boss loves it. Just need to get the TimeSheet Dates to match the WorkLog dates. (If you look in my previous example, i show the same Issue in both the WorkLog and then the TimeSheet and you can see different dates.)

  34. Andriy Zhdanov

    Oh, it does not look like standard JIRA Log Work done dialog, see here. Are you using yet another time tracking plugin that replaced JIRA dialog?

    What if you look at specific JIRA issue Work Log tab, right near Comments tab, does it show the same date as in dialog?

  35. Former user Account Deleted

    I am told that this is the standard Work Log Dialog. They have not added in any plug ins for this. I just entered this work log 5 minutes ago… The top worklog shows the 29th and the bottom work lot shows the 28th?!?! This is all on same screen… Capture.PNG

  36. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Carl,

    For some reason it's stored incorrectly in JIRA DB. If you look at the link in my previous comment, you'll see how standard JIRA dialog looks like.

    Work Log tab is JIRA native part, and source of truth, so I suspect something wrong in the way you log work done.

    Where does the top part of your screen shot goes from?

    Thank you.

  37. Former user Account Deleted

    Yes, i see that the issue must be in our JIRA DB. The department that supports this software for us is looking into it now. thank you very much for your time and patience... Hopefully everything will work correctly once this issue is corrected. This TimeSheet is exactly what we need to use. I am the first one really using is so once it works, everyone else will need to convert over. :) Have a great day...

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