Time Sheet Report doesn't respect user selection if generated from a user link in Time Sheet gadget

Issue #516 resolved
Henning Tietgens created an issue

If we try to create a Time Sheet Report for a specific user of a group (through clicking on the name of the user in a Time Sheet Gadget) the report is generated for all users of the group selected in the gadget.

I understand that this is the expected behavior if I try to generate a report while selecting a user and a group (the group precedes the user). But for clicking on a name within the gadget the report previously was generated for the user and not for the group.

Could you please revert to the previous functionality (remove the group restriction) and generate the report for the user if a user is selected in the gadget?

We're running the current version of your plugin ( and JIRA 6.0.8.

Thanks, Henning

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