Empty week names in timesheet portlet

Issue #518 resolved
Артур Папикян created an issue

Hi Andrey.

This happens after i've added few localized Russian prop-files. And now even after i switch my language to en(Us) in profile, gadget still shows empty week names.

Thanx in advance.

Comments (25)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Artur,

    You've commented out them in timesheet_portlet_ru.properties:

    -portlet.timesheet.Mon = \u041f\u043d
    -portlet.timesheet.Tue = \u0412\u0442
    -portlet.timesheet.Wed = \u0421\u0440
    -portlet.timesheet.Thu = \u0427\u0442
    -portlet.timesheet.Fri = \u041f\u0442
    -portlet.timesheet.Sat = \u0421\u0431
    -portlet.timesheet.Sun = \u0412\u0441
    +#portlet.timesheet.Mon = Mon
    +#portlet.timesheet.Tue = Tue
    +#portlet.timesheet.Wed = Wed
    +#portlet.timesheet.Thu = Thu
    +#portlet.timesheet.Fri = Fri
    +#portlet.timesheet.Sat = Sat
    +#portlet.timesheet.Sun = Sun

    Is it on purpose?

    Also have you send me all plugin properties you have? May be you have modified timesheet_portlet.properties or timesheet_portlet_en.properties, but I don't see them in zip.

    Thank you

  2. Артур Папикян reporter

    This part was commented for testing purposes after i've face this issue, and no, i didn't change any other file.
    Plugin exact version
    Andriy, i will try to compare all prop files with fresh downloaded version. Please wait for result.
    Thank you.

  3. Артур Папикян reporter

    @azhdanov it's realy strange, i've tried following:
    1. installed plugin from our prod jira
    1. installed plugin v. from marketplace
    2. installed latest version from marketplace
    No changes, still can't see week days.
    Each time, before installing plugin, i was cleaned plugin cache and restart jira service.
    Do you have any idea?

    Thank you.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    How do you clean up plugin cache? I do: find jira-dir -name jira-timesheet-plugin*.jar | xargs rm

  5. Артур Папикян reporter
    1. uninstall plugin through upm
    2. stop jira service
    3. delete .osgi-plugins folder
    4. check installed-plugins folder
    5. install ts plugin
  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    There are more places where JIRA keeps plugin jar, try doing find as I suggested, or something similar.

  7. Артур Папикян reporter

    Hi Andriy.
    You were right, i found a lot of plugin instances in jira-app temp directory, but unfortunately it doesn't help me. After i uninstalled plugin, cleared all temporary plugin instances, restarted jira service and then intalled latest version of ts plugin, i still can't see week names nor with ru(RU) neither with en(US) profile settings. Can you tell me how those name generated in ts portlet, it's js'code?


  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Artur,

    All messages are resolved server side, and html is generated server side.

    So, you installed clean version from marketplace after all this cleanup, and it's still the same problem? Also what version of JIRA do you have? I will try it too, though don't think it's that trivial.

    Thank you.

  9. Артур Папикян reporter

    Yeap, with version
    My test env: RH 5.5, MSSQL 2008 R2 w/SP2, JIRA 5.2.11. Prod env. have same conf.
    Tested with browsers IE9, IE10 (Citrix desktop), FF15.0.1
    I don't get it, why problem still exist, cause in prod same TS plugin shows weekdays just fine, that why i'am afraid of installing modified version of plugin on prod.

  10. Артур Папикян reporter

    Sad. I expected that you will be not able to reproduce this bug :-(
    Ok, thank you for paying attention to my problem.

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Yes, sad. Though do you mind if I include your translations into next release? May be it will work then.

  12. Артур Папикян reporter

    Hi @azhdanov I've attached my latest translations. I will appreciate if you include this translations into next release. Thank you in advance.

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