Timesheet calendar is not visible out of gadget

Issue #522 closed
Pavol Lackovič created an issue

Hi Andriy, When you open the calendar, it is not visible out of gadget (see attachment) Thanks

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    2) Many pop-up windows were opened, when I am pressing on plus icon in many places. However I am able to log work only on one of them, after that gadget was reloaded. Is it possible to hide previous small pop-up windows when I’ve opened new? See screenshot 2.jpg

    3) I opened small pop-up window, enter logged time and pressed Enter many times. As a result many entries with the same value was added. Screeshot 3.jpg

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Pavol,

    Well, I've just added those two problems to solve them all at once, but unfortunately I can't solve the problem you've originally reported. I.e. I can't make gadget to resize when calendar pops up. Though I could change gadget view to have minimum height always to fit calendar popup, but I think it's bad Idea. It looks ugly that empty gadget occupies so much space and I think it contradicts with overall dashboard.

    Thank you.

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