Planned vs actual time report does not show actual time spent if group by field is used

Issue #527 resolved
Markus Hanslik created an issue

When a filter on the "Time Report -> Planned Time vs Actual" is set, one can see an original estimate, actual estimate and the difference. As soon as the result is grouped by any field (e.g. "Status"), the JIRA ticket icons disappear, the priority icons are missing, the ticket titles disappear, and most importantly the "Time Spent" column shows the "Original Estimate" value, making the whole report useless as then also the difference is not visible.

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Markus,

    Most critical part (wrong columns data shown) should be fixed now. Regarding icons disappearing, grouped view it's rather by design, though it may be improved later. I have noticed other more important problem, with 'Issues by User' view, it does not work properly when not all issues have work by all users. So I will try to fix it first.

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Note, issue with 'Issues by User' view, when not all issues have work by all users, was fixed on 2014-06-08

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