Entering time only possible after browser reload

Issue #536 resolved
Former user created an issue

You are not able to enter time anymore - unless you reload your browser - if you do the following: 1.) Click on the "+" sign of any field, but do not type in anything 2.) Click on the "+" sign of any other field, but do not type in anything 3.) Click again on the "+" sign of the field in 1.). It is not possible anymore to type in anything here - unless you reload browser. Tested with Firefox (newest version).

It happened some times for me - it's not a big deal, but nevertheless slightly reduces the superb GUI efficiency ...

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Torsten,

    I'm not sure I've reproduced exactly this case. For me on 3rd step popup from 2nd step is not closed, thus new popup (previous one, from step 1) does not open, but you still can type in the popup that is shown, and popups on other fields do open too.

    I've fixed this case though. Can you clarify if this is not the same?

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Ah, I forgot one step: 1.) Click on the "+" sign of any field, but do not type in anything 2.) Click on the "+" sign of any other field, but do not type in anything 3.) Close that field in 2.) 4.) Click again on the "+" sign of the field in 1.).

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    In this case in step 4, popup does not show up for me, is it what you mean? If so, then I have just fixed it.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Great, thank you for letting me know about the problem and clarifying. I will let you know when fix is released.

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