Need the ability to select a group of users without using existing groups/roles

Issue #539 resolved
Former user created an issue

For now we have limited the use for one project and we are able to generate reports for all users of the project. Unfortunately, we cannot limit the subset by groups/roles. But we are looking to get a report for a subset of users within the project that cannot be limited by groups/roles.

Comments (11)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Unfortunately it does not seem feasible, at the moment, there is no multi user picker report configurable parameter (see also answer), and making multi-select with all users (similarly to groups) implies security concerns, that it reveals all users. Sorry.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    The "all users" are not all users in the JIRA instance. It's just all users in the selected project in the parameter.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Also, if there is a way that this could be achieved through JQL is also fine. Please let me know.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to make report configuration parameter depend on other parameter value.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    You may try using Filter with Assignee in [your users list], and then group by Assignee, or Worked User. But you see Assignee is not the same as Worked User, and report will not look the same as with Role or Group specified.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    We are trying to reduce the administrative overhead on our 2000 user JIRA instance by reducing the number of groups, since we have several teams working on each of our project we aren't able to use Roles as the alternative.

    Has the situation improved since this was last discussed or can we expect it to improve in future, is there an enhancement request for the multiuser picker on the atlassian backlog?

    We have worked around this in most cases by making the timesheets report on filters for teams sprints, but in some cases the team want to report on work done by the team which is outside of the sprint backlog which isnt possible without using a group or global role. The next best thing would be project level roles which aren't global, but I cant find this on the JIRA roadmap anywhere.

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