Visibility issue?

Issue #544 resolved
Former user created an issue

Problem: - User H sees times of user L, but user H must not do so.

Timesheet Settings: - None of them is in any Timesheet Auditor group. - Both are in the same Timesheet restricted group. - Timesheet AuditorRoles are not set.

I understand it that way: Even though both users are in the same Timesheet Restricted group, one must not see times of the other one because none of them is in Timesheet Auditor group, correct? Since this is quite unclear, I recommend to update the description in the Timesheet settings to pint that out clearlier.

Comments (15)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Torsten,

    Could you please clarify if you have Timesheet Auditors Group or Role set in the Administration?

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Then it's a bug. I have managed to reproduce it in the case when User is set to current user in Report Configuration, along with Group. Is it the same what you're seeing?

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Ok, hopefully I have fixed this, new version should be available within two weeks, I'll notify then.

    Thank you and sorry for troubles.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Okay, thanks for fixing it.

    But beside that, I recommend to explain the rules a bit better. It is really hard to understand (at least for those who are not programmers) ... Example: Replace "Restrict visibility of other users time spent to selected groups. Users in the selected groups will see worked hours of other users in the same group only. " by "Restrict visibility of other users time spent to selected groups. Users in the selected groups will see worked hours of other users in the same group only - BUT ONLY IF THEY ALSO BELONG TO JIRA AUDITORS GROUP". Well, in case my example text is wrong, it only shows that I then still not have understood your explanation ... :-)

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Your understanding is correct. But I have problems with exact wording. Problem is that Auditors Group may not be set. All those three options may be set or unset, and then different rules are applied. But all these three options make effect when set. So I'm not sure what to add in the screen. But there is some kind of specification:, and I've just add this to the documentation also.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Ok, so then please add at least a direct link to that spread sheet at the end of text of Timesheet configuration settings ...

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Torsten,

    Problem is that only users in Timesheet Auditors Groups can use Timesheet Gadget for Group, Role or Project, i.e. multiple users Timesheet.

    There are two workarounds:

    1) Use Timesheet Auditors Roles.

    2) Use gadget with Group By Worked User, and Filter, something like All Issues.

    Otherwise, just use single user Timesheet, do not specify User option, and everyone will see his own Timesheet. Also you can create Timesheet Auditors dashboard, and add Timesheet for Group there only.

    Please let me know if it helps.

    Thank you.

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