Timesheet plugin caused JIRA update to fail

Issue #545 resolved
Former user created an issue

Just updated from JIRA 6.2.7 to 6.3.3, but the restart completely fails with an error message:

Exception thrown during upgrade: while inserting: [GenericEntity:JQRTZJobDetails][jobName,TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION][requestsRecovery,false][isVolatile,false][className,jira.timesheet.plugin.job.TimesheetJob][isDurable,true][jobGroup,TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION][isStateful,false] (SQL Exception while setting value: (Invalid column type: 2000)) org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException: while inserting: [GenericEntity:JQRTZJobDetails][jobName,TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION][requestsRecovery,false][isVolatile,false][className,jira.timesheet.plugin.job.TimesheetJob][isDurable,true][jobGroup,TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION][isStateful,false] (SQL Exception while setting value: (Invalid column type: 2000))

Atlassian Support suggested this to be caused by your plugin (v, removing this plugin from plugin folder and retry the update don´t solve the problem.

Do you have any ideas what can cause this issue?

Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Hans,

    It's apparently caused by Timesheet Subscriptions. Is it possible for you to remove all Timesheet Subscription in old JIRA and do upgrade again? You can remove subscriptions at Administration - Add-Ons - Timesheet Subscriptions.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy, unfortunately not, JIRA is not starting so i couldn´t enter admin section... Any idea how i can delete it direct on the DB?

    Best regards, Hans-Hermann

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, may be JRA-7523 can help: there is example sql query, so if you can connect to jira database, try to remove TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION records from qrtz_triggers table.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Removed all timesheet subscriptions from qrtz_triggers and restarted JIRA, but still same error message:

    Exception thrown during upgrade: while inserting: [GenericEntity:JQRTZJobDetails][jobName,TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION][requestsRecovery,false][isVolatile,false][className,jira.timesheet.plugin.job.TimesheetJob][isDurable,true][jobGroup,TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION][isStateful,false] (SQL Exception while setting value: (Invalid column type: 2000)) org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException: while inserting: [GenericEntity:JQRTZJobDetails][jobName,TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION][requestsRecovery,false][isVolatile,false][className,jira.timesheet.plugin.job.TimesheetJob][isDurable,true][jobGroup,TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION][isStateful,false] (SQL Exception while setting value: (Invalid column type: 2000))

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Apparently it takes this from some other table or export and tries to upgrade. Sorry, I don't know how JIRA upgrade works, it would be really nice if you could ask Atlassian for assistance, on how to clean up scheduled jobs, may be you can refer to JRA-7523 also. Problem is that when they see 'timesheet' they send you to plugin vendor, but I can't help this time. I need Atlassian help to clean up scheduled jobs, as workaround. And solution would also be on their side, I believe, but that's another story.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    just letting you know that delete from qrtz_job_details where job_name = 'TIMESHEET_SUBSCRIPTION'; solved the issue. Afterwards the startup was successful (although index failed and needed two reboots to get finally into the GUI), perhaps this is also useful for other users...

    Thanks & regards, Hans-Hermann


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