Adding times causes IE9 to shift cells

Issue #549 wontfix
Former user created an issue

I've just upgraded from IE8 to IE9, as our latest JIRA upgrade gave new layout problems with the Timesheet plugin. (Each entry was showing multiple lines, so the timesheet bacame difficult to work with.)

On IE9, the layout is back to normal. However, when entering time into my timesheet (using the + sign from the grid), cells keep shifting. This is usually in the total line, where all values seem to shift one cell to the right. (Although I think I have seen it once shifting other cells.) Refreshing the screen corrects the problem.

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted


    Have you tried setting the “Number Of Weeks” option to 2, like I had in my screen shots? After further experimentation, I haven’t had the problem while it’s set to show just one week, but it consistently goes wrong when it’s showing 2 weeks (which is my preferred view).


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