[TIME-55] No icons on dashboard configuration screen

Issue #55 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

Installed atlassian-jira-plugin-timesheet-1.8.jar, copied corner_timesheet.png and timesheet.png in \portlets\dashboard\thumbnails directory, restarted server.
Login into Jira, go to Home, configure dashboard, add a new portlet, thumbnail of timesheet portlet is broken. See screenshot. Clieck on image - larger portlet image stil broken, click any other one - works fine. From access log:
timesheet portlet image
..*.139 - - [15/Jan/2009:09:56:35 +0300] "GET /secure/AddPortlet!default.jspa?destination=dashboard&portalPageId=10050 HTTP/1.1" 200 46316 0.339
..*.139 - - [15/Jan/2009:09:56:41 +0300] "GET /secure/views/user/portletthumbnail.jsp?decorator=none&imagesrc=/s/335/1/1.8/_/download/resources/com.fdu.jira.plugin.timesheet%3Aportlet/download/resources/com.fdu.jira.plugin.timesheet%3Aportlet/timesheet HTTP/1.1" 200 421 0.006
..*.139 - - [15/Jan/2009:09:56:41 +0300] "GET /s/335/1/1.8/_/download/resources/com.fdu.jira.plugin.timesheet:portlet/download/resources/com.fdu.jira.plugin.timesheet:portlet/timesheet HTTP/1.1" 200 - 0.004
..*.139 - - [15/Jan/2009:09:56:49 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 302 - 0.001

project table portlet image
..*.139 - - [15/Jan/2009:09:56:49 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 302 - 0.001
..*.139 - - [15/Jan/2009:09:58:31 +0300] "GET /secure/views/user/portletthumbnail.jsp?decorator=none&imagesrc=/s/335/1/1.0/_/download/resources/com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.portlets%3Aprojecttable/portlets/dashboard/thumbnails/projecttable.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 418 0.003
..*.139 - - [15/Jan/2009:09:58:31 +0300] "GET /s/335/1/1.0/_/download/resources/com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.portlets:projecttable/portlets/dashboard/thumbnails/projecttable.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1705 0.007
..*.139 - - [15/Jan/2009:09:58:33 +0300] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 - 0.001

By integration/Integration department on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 02:02:48 -0800

Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Committed revision 30984: Fixed

    However, for Jira 3.12 and probably earlier it is necessary to copy portlets/dashboard/thumbnails/*.png from the jar into atlassian-jira//dashboard/thumbnails/ directory manually to see portlet icon on dashboard configuration screen now.

    By azhdanov on Sat, 16 May 2009 16:57:52 -0700

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