Associated Sprints are not generated against tasks while choosing EPIC link group field

Issue #552 resolved
Former user created an issue


While generating the Pivot Project Report by choosing EPIC link group field and Sprint as one of the optional fields, Noted that sprints associated with few of tasks are not depicted in the generated report in spite of those tasks hold relevant sprints in JIRA.

Pls. do the needful & find an attached screen shots as proofs here.

Regards, Rajeswar,

Tel.No. +91 40426565665 & Ext No.508. Mobile :+91 7032705740

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Rajeswara,

    Note, once fix is published it will take some additional time (up to 2 months) to get it promoted for JIRA Cloud, I will provide additional information later.

    Thank you.

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