date format problem

Issue #564 resolved
Former user created an issue

My JIRA server presents bad functioning of the plug according to the date format. I noticed that when the server was installed, the command line service had the following variables: -Duser.language = pt = BR. I tried adding these variables on the command line, but the service stopped working when I did this.

Is there any other way to configure the plugin to change the date format?

I tried contacting support here in Brazil, but could not solve this problem. The request was this:

The Timesheet plugin allows you to launch additional hours for a task from within the view control. We detected a problem of values ​​of type DATE during the use of this plugin functionality. Lucky, we can see that the error happens in the production environment but does not happen in the development environment. In the development environment the command line that raises the service has two parameters that do not exist in the production environment; user.language .The purpose of this application is to analyze the possibility to reconfigure the parameters of the command that raises production service line and assess whether there is any impact by the inclusion of these two parameters.

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ricardo,

    Sorry for delay. If I'm not mistaken main concern is that adding work hours from gadget is broken. I believe I've fixed it in version 2.8.2 (note latest is

    Alternatively I can see potentially 3 concerns:

    1) Change the date format - please see Customising the Look and Feel I.e. if you can't update plugin for some reason, or it does not help, for the problem you face, I recommend to change date picker format not to use work for month, i.e. to use only numbers e.g. yyyy-MM-dd and %Y-%m-%d for date picker java and javascript properties correspondingly.

    2) Adding -Duser.language command line arguments, sorry I can't recommend anything in this concern.

    Please let me know if it helps.

    Thank you.

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