New View for Time Tracking Report

Issue #575 resolved
TJ Baker created an issue

We have need to have an 'overview' of projects, based on defined category (or other filter).

The 'Default View' would show an overview (per project) with progress, accuracy and the important metrics of Original Estimate, Time Remaining, Time Spent, and Accuracy. These items could be customizable, however, the outlined items would serve us well.

The 'Details View' will open from the default view and show the full details per issue, as is shown by default in a JIRA Time Tracking Report.

We desire to have these reports in Confluence, with a report for each project from a specified category (or other filter).

The attached image shows a rough idea of what we'd like to see.


Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Am I right thinking that an only difference form existing Time Tracking report is Collapsed view grouped by Project?

  2. TJ Baker reporter

    Sounds right to me .. I think :)

    The important thing is that we can get an easy 'overview' / list of each project showing the 'collapsed view' so there is a way easily get an overview of them all.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Note, this is available in Time Reports plugin for JIRA Cloud. It's in my plan to add this to Timesheet Reports and Gadgets plugin too also, but in somewhat long term.

  4. TJ Baker reporter


    Thanks for the information. I cannot see how to do anything like I've asked via the Time Reports plugin for JIRA Cloud, sorry. How is this possible?

  5. Andriy Zhdanov


    There is Planned vs Actual view (not demonstrated on the marketplace page though), it recapulates JIRA standard Time Tracking report, but allows to group records. Please see screen shot for example.

    Note, particularly grouping by project is not yet generally available, but if relevant you can still try it.

    Thank you.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov


    Time Reports plugin version 1.0 for JIRA Server is available for installing from Atlassian Marketplace. ATTENTION, it requires Timesheet plugin version 2.8.3

    It has Time Tracking view, as suggested.

    Thank you.

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