Worked Time Chart not limited by time period

Issue #593 resolved
Former user created an issue

We are considering the Timesheet Reports and Gadgets plugin. Here's what we need:

  1. A pie chart as a report showing how much time a person logged in a specified time period that is NOT relative to the current date; not a gadget. The pie needs to be able to be broken down by ticket type such that sub-task time logged is rolled up into parent types and is not shown separately.

  2. A report that summarizes in a single cell how much time a person has spent in a project: it needs a total sum for the project, and then a breakdown per ticket (again, summing/rolling up sub-task time) for a given time period.

    a. We are not looking for a complex breakdown of how much time a person spent by day/week/month. One time value for the time period specified.

    b. The project pivot report shows many people, one column per team member. This is overwhelming, since there are many columns, and a huge number of rows that are mostly empty since each team member works on their own tickets. We need to the ability to look at each team member separately.

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Robert,

    Thank you for putting this here (from JRA-6137). I have adjusted title, to match your request, if I understood it correctly.

    So, now it's clear that you're mainly missing Worked Time Pie chart as a report, instead of gadget, and it to show time spent overall, but not for certain period of time.

    I should admit, that the latter unlikely will be possible with Timesheet Gadgets and Report plugin, but rather with Time Reports for JIRA Cloud. Time Roports mainly breaks this restriction by time period.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    That's the first part. For security reasons, Jira Cloud is not, and will never be an option for us.

    Are there plans to offer a pie chart that will work for a specified time period?

    What about the report in #2? Is there a way to provide the simple summaries we need?

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    I have plans to port it to hosted JIRA too. As to me #2 is part of Pie Chart. No, there is no special possibility for this otherwise.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov


    Time Reports plugin version 1.0 for JIRA Server is available for installing from Atlassian Marketplace. ATTENTION, it requires Timesheet plugin version 2.8.3

    It has Pie Chart view not limited by period.

    Thank you.

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