Data of other users are getting displayed instead of current logged in user when "Show entries created by user" is empty

Issue #606 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have logged in as a non-admin user(PM capitalizable 5(s)) . I have added the timesheet gadget on my dashboard keeping "show entries created by user" as empty.

Expected outcome : Time log details of current logged in user should be displayed Actual Outcome : Time sheet details of others users are also getting displayed Other user which is getting displayed is s Pcapi 2( see image1.png).

We have version of JIRA timesheet reports and Gadget plugin.

I have tested the same scenario for version of JIRA timesheet reports and Gadget plugin on our other test environment. This issue is not coming in this version.

Comments (30)

  1. Former user Account Deleted


    Our Jira-timesheet-plugin- is not exactly the same plugin as available on market place. It had been modified by your team as per our requirements. I am attaching this plugin.

    This is a blocker for us . So please have a look into this issue and provide the suggestions and solution ASAP

  2. Former user Account Deleted


    This issue is resolved in time sheet and worked time chart gadget. But it is still coming in project pivot gadget. Some other issues are coming in this patch. I have logged in as a non admin user and added a time sheet gadget on my dash board . In the gadget view and detailed view configuration pages, the group names are not coming. See snapshot(config.png and config2.png)

    However, if i logged in as a admin user then it show the group names.

    Please have a look into these issues and provide the solution for this. Please provide the timeline till when you will fix this issues ?

    Thanks Mohit Mathur

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy

    Thanks for this update. The group names problem is resolved now .

    Time sheet and worked time chart gadget is working fine but data of other users are getting displayed in project pivot gadget. Please have a look into this issue and provide the timeline till when you will fix this issues ?


  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mohit,

    Could you please clarify what is the problem exactly with project pivot gadget? It is supposed to show multiple users. What is wrong do you think?

    Thank you.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    I have a little confusion here. The project pivot gadget should show the logged hour details of the current logged in user or it should show the details of all users ?

    Timesheet gadget and worked time chart gadget show only the details of current logged in user if we left the field "show entries created by user" empty. Thats why i was assuming that project pivot should not show the details of all users.

    One more query Project pivot report does not have field "show entries created by user". Why is this field not provided in project pivot report and can you give me the brief of the functionality of the project pivot gadget.


  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Yes, project pivot shows for all users, that's why it does not have 'Show entries created by user' option.

    Timesheet gadget shows worked hours by days, and may have different views, single or multiple users.

    Project pivot shows worked hours by users.

    Hope that clarifies.

    Thank you.

  7. Former user Account Deleted


    "Timesheet Restricted Groups" field behaviour is confusing. I have tested few scenarios for understanding of this field. But the output coming is quit different from the expected output.

    I have tested various scenarios on my local instance JIRA. I have created 8 groups (Group A, Group B, Group C, Group D, Group E, Group F, Group G and Group H) and i am a member of 4 groups(Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D).

    Case 1: I have selected all the group names in the "Timesheet Restricted Groups" field.

    Expected output: No groups should be coming in the field "Show summary for users in groups” of the timesheet configuration page.

    Output: Group A, Group B, Group C, Group D is displayed. Group names are getting displayed of which i am member.

    Case 2: I have selected Group A, Group B, Group G and Group H in the "Timesheet Restricted Groups" .

    Expected output: Group C, Group D, Group E and Group F. Groups which are not selected should get displayed in the "Show summary for users in groups” of the timesheet configuration page.

    Output: Group A, Group B is displayed. Group names are getting displayed of which i am member and that are selected in the "Timesheet Restricted Groups" field.

    Case 3: I have not selected any group in the "Timesheet Restricted Groups" field.

    Expected output: All the group names should get displayed.

    Output: All the group names should get displayed. Here the output is as expected.

    Please have a look into this and provide some suggestions.


  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mohit,

    Actual behaviour you described is correct. Restricted Groups narrows down options of "Show summary for users in groups” option, so only restricted groups that current user is member of are shown. If no Restricted Groups are selected then it is considered that feature is off, so no restrictions is applied.

    Thank you.

  9. Former user Account Deleted


    Its seems like "Timesheet Restricted Groups" field's functionality has changed in the version In version, it works differently . Can you please provide any documentation regarding the new and changed functionalities in the version .

  10. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    We are using this plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- on our JIRA 6.3.12. You have customized this plugin according to our requirements. The License SEN number is SEN-4447940. We are now upgrading JIRA from version 6.3.12 to version 6.4.8. We found that this current version of plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- is NOT compatible with JIRA 6.4.8.

    Can you please provide the upgraded version of this plugin which should be compatible with JIRA 6.4.8 and can serve the same requirements? The upgraded version of plugin should also be compatible with JIRA DATA Center.

    Thanks, Reetesh

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Reetesh,

    It is compatible with JIRA 6.4.8 and JIRA DATA Center, please let me know if you have any problems.

    Although, why do you still use this patched version? It was supposed to be used up to JIRA 6.1.

    Thank you.

  12. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    Q. Although, why do you still use this patched version? It was supposed to be used up to JIRA 6.1.

    Ans: What do you suggest on this then. Does any upgraded version(Supported to JIRA 6.4.8) fulfill our requirements as like this current plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- You customized this plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- according to some of our specific requirements, like you removed drop-down option for filter field and changed it to text input type and allowed filter_name as an input rather than filter_id and also updated the inline message for that filter field. There were also some more changes you did according to our requirement. Does any upgraded plugin (supported JIRA 6.4.8) serve the same? If so, we can use that upgraded plugin for JIRA 6.4.8. We saw in the market place that version of this plugin does not support JIRA version 6.4.8. So we requested you for the upgraded version of this plugin in my previous comment. But as you confirmed in your previous comment that this patched version jira-timesheet-plugin- is also compatible with JIRA 6.4.8, we can also use it as an alternate for our JIRA 6.4.8.

    Please suggest.

    Thanks, Reetesh

  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Retesh,

    The patch is for JRA-32510 problem, and does not have anything new other than workarounds for the problem.

    But yes, you can still use it for JIRA 6.4.8.

    Thank you.

  14. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    Thanks for your support till now.

    We are currently using JIRA 6.3.12 with your customized plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- for us.

    In your previous comment you confirmed that plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- is also compatible with JIRA 6.4.8.

    But now due to some reasons we are planning to upgrade JIRA from version 6.3.12 to version 6.4.12. JIRA version 6.4.12 is expected to release on 23-September-2015.

    Can you please confirm that this customized plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- will also be compatible with JIRA version 6.4.12 or 6.4.x version? If current plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- will not be compatible with JIRA version 6.4.12 or 6.4.x version, can you please provide us a new build of jira-timesheet-plugin with the same functionalities as like in jira-timesheet-plugin- so that the new plugin will be compatible with JIRA 6.4.12 or 6.4.x? The plugin should also be compatible with JIRA Data Center.

    Thanks, Reetesh

  15. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Retesh,

    It's compatible with upcoming 6.4.12 version too. But let me remind you once again, you should not use patched plugin version with the latest JIRA version, but should use official plugin distribution from Atlassian marketplace, where it is latest version at the moment.

    Thank you.

  16. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    As I described in my previous comment that you customized this plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- according to some of our specific requirements, like you removed drop-down option for filter field and changed it to text input type and allowed filter_name as an input rather than filter_id and also updated the inline message for that filter field. There were also some more changes related to group permissions etc. and you did according to our requirement. Does the plugin version (supported JIRA 6.4.12) serve the same? If not, can you please customize the plugin version according to our need which should serve the same functionalities as like jira-timesheet-plugin- plugin?

    Thanks, Reetesh

  17. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Reetesh,

    This patched version is only to replace drop-down options with text inputs, to workaround JRA-32510 timeout problem. JRA-32510 is fixed in JIRA 6.1. Please try latest plugin version at your convenience.

    Thank you.

  18. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    We have installed jira-timesheet-plugin- on our test environment. I validated below reported issue from our end and it seems that plugin version resolves all reported issues.

    issue#591 issue#589 issue#588 issue#585 Issue #592 Issue #590 Issue #606

    There are two differences there that you customized jira-timesheet-plugin- for us for 'Filter' field on "Configure - Project Pivot Report" and "Configure - Timesheet Report" screens. (Filter-Project_Pivot_Report and Filter-Time_Sheet_Report).

    1. Currently we provide Filter Name rather that Filter ID at this field option.
    2. The Inline message is "(Optional) Specify exact filter name to display report on.".

    Can you please make these above two changes for us in the plugin version



    Filter-Project_Pivot_Report.png Filter-Time_Sheet_Report.png

  19. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Reetesh,

    There is nice drop down instead of input text, so you don't have to provide filter id, but you can select filter by name. Why do you need to change it?

    Thank you.

  20. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    Thanks for your support and response.

    We found that in jira-timesheet-plugin-, there is no drop down option for Filter. (Screenshot No-DropDownForFilter-


    Actually we are running some performance issue, so we do not want the drop down option for filter. That is the reason we want to continue with the same filter option just like in jira-timesheet-plugin- plugin. So please modify this plugin for filter option as per described in my previous comment.

    Thanks, Reetesh

  21. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Reetesh,

    You may need to restart JIRA to make report configuration be updated.

    Sorry, I'm not going to provide workaround for the problem that is fixed. You may be facing different problem, that needs different investigation.

    Thank you.

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